Saturday, August 11, 2007

Blogging Tories Short Takes, Aug 11, 2007.

Shorter Mr. Erl: "I have some brilliant ideas that I'm sure no one has ever considered before."

Shorter Paul: "I'd hold the conservative media up to the same high standard, but that would be, like, you know, work."

Shorter Steve Janke: "In a surprising new development, I will link to the mainstream media and speculate wildly. Kids, I'm a professional -- don't try this at home."


Red Tory said...

So Mr. Erl wants to buy back the 407, does he? Some "conservative" he is. Heh. Oh, and regulate when trucks can use the highway, because they're making his life a living hell. Oh, the poor little darling. Geez, why doesn't he quit whining and get his scrawny little ass over to Afghanistan already to "defend" western civilization or whatever the hell it is he thinks we're doing over there.

900ft Jesus said...

Too bad for Janke that Spiderman isn't real. He'dfit in perfectly as Janke, the Wonderboy, cub reporter for Jonah Jameson and the Bugle.

Rosie said...

RT, I was gonna say, sounds like some leftist consipracy! And mass transit????? THATS for hippies.

Red Tory said...

Why does Mr. Erl hate capitalism?