Friday, August 03, 2007

Calgary municipal elections: The Richard Evans edition.

Dick Evans: the cold sore that keeps on festering:

You know Meaghan I was being nice and redirected back here a couple of weeks ago. You have a choice: Keep things peaceful or don't. It's your decision...


Ah ... redirecting a look-alike site of Meaghan's away from a site that promotes white supremacy. This is apparently Richard's idea of being "nice." I can just imagine what family life must be for Richard if he's married: "Look, I'm trying to be nice to you, honey. That's why I stopped beating you. But if you keep up that crying, ..."

What a treat, that Richard. From registering look-alike domains and redirecting them to sites promoting racism and pedophilia, to now ominously threatening female bloggers with ... what exactly? If I were Meaghan, I'd be starting a folder of evidence and making sure the local authorities knew about this.

And if I lived in Calgary, well, I'd make sure Dick's potential run for local politician was a decidedly unpleasant one, if you catch my drift. I'm betting someone at the Calgary Herald would think this story has at least a little entertainment value, don't you?

1 comment:

Dennis Moore said...

I notice that the and urls are available for whoever wants them.