Tuesday, March 22, 2022

A modest proposal to kick CPC butt.

To no one's surprise, interim CPC leader Candice "Murphy Brownshirt" Bergen has come out swinging with spittle-flecked rhetoric along the lines of:

"With this Liberal/NDP coalition, Justin Trudeau is clearly planning to inflict an extremist, militant, far left, Antifa, Black Lives Matter agenda on Canada, based on Stalinism, Communism, George Soros and Venezuela!!!

Given that this stupidity will undoubtedly come up in the House of Commons (where Manitoba's own MAGA Barbie will be playing to the cameras), the correct rebuttal would be something like:

"The Honourable member is quite correct that the Liberals and the NDP are going to work together for the benefit of Canadians. As one example, we will be introducing a dental care plan for low-income Canadians ...

Go through the details of the dental care plan, and finish it off with something like, "If the member of the Opposition and her party want to vote against affordable dental care for low-income Canadians, they will have that opportunity when the bill is presented to the House."

Then sit down.

Repeat as necessary.


Anonymous said...

Always amusing to see welfare wingnuts call others "socialists".

Of course Bergen was pimping for her Overlords when she started to bleat about corporate welfare for oil and gas.

Of course the Canadian inept media will be elevating Conservative reactions and idiocy to facts now...

Anonymous said...

Aftersnark - it would be peachy is someone could remind her of the deal Harper made with the NDP...

MgS said...

... and in between times make lots of popcorn to watch the conservatives have an epic meltdown as their plans for both attaining power and making parliament completely dysfunctional collapse.