According to the Globe & Mail Mr. McVety claims to have enjoyed numerous meetings with Minister of Public Safety Stockwell Day, Justice Minister Rob Nicholson and officials in the PMO. Evidently, all of that lobbying effort has paid off in a fruitful way, praise Jesus Mr. McVety, praise him. Indeed, isn't it time that those who work so hard behind the scenes got to share the spotlight with the members and ministers of government with whom they share their great mission. Why without Mr. McVety's organization and their lobbying, things might not have changed. Artists might not have to answer to an "independent committee", under the auspices of the Heritage Minister, for the labour tax exemptions and the funding from Telefilm Canada that often means the difference between a film being shot or shelved. Isn't that wonderful!
So just who are these swell folks that have put in so much effort to ensure that Canadians don't get to make films that are controversial, that deal with homosexuality in anything but a negative light, that don't celebrate or glorify violence unless it is the sacred scourging of the saviour performing the stations of the cross? Well according to their web site, the executive committee consists of Brian Rushfeldt, "family and addictions counsellor, Bible college dean, associate pastor, and air traffic controller." So when the rapture comes, even if your pilot is a godless commie, you still might be going down, sinner. And then there's Mr. Dr. Charles McVety himself, let's just grab his whole bio blurb:
Dr. Charles McVety President Dr. McVety is President of Canada Christian College in Toronto, with satellite campuses around the world. He holds several degrees and has authored a book, Victory Guaranteed. Dr. McVety has a long history of involvement in political issues in Canada, and has served with CFAC since our inception as a founding Board member. He hosts a national TV program –, and is a regular columnist in several newspapers. Dr. McVety brings a wealth of expertise in political, educational, and ministry leadership to CFAC.
Pastor, minister, Christian College, (Christian News Source/TV show) hmmm... call me crazy, but I sense a theme developing. Fundamentalist Christian whack jobs? Why yes, yes they are. Not convinced, dig this from the Canada Christian College site under the heading, Ministerial Organization.
"The Evangelical Association was founded in 1963 by Godlymen and women who were moved by the Holy Spirit to band together for the purpose of promoting Evangelical Christianity throughout the World. They were motivated by a strong persuasion that the Bible, consisting of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments is the Divinely inspired and inerrant Word of God.
The Association was founded in Winnipeg, Manitoba by leaders under the direction of Dr. Elmer S. McVety. They shared a vision to develop and build on Biblical principles. The Association is governed by a board of directors currently consisting of eight persons. This board appoints and dismisses all officials by a majority vote at a duly called meeting with at least a quorum in attendance."
"...our members have allowed denominational differences to fade into insignificance and have joined hands under our banner in the interest of Fundamental Christianity. We are a body of Evangelical ministers who hold our membership with the Association while we labour in our respective churches."
Yes indeed brothers and sisters, these are the folks influencing not only what you should or shouldn't be able to see but what artists should or should not be able to create in this great free land of ours. See, if artists had any sense they'd declare themselves a fucking church, skip taxes all together, start a college which would then supply all of the manpower and technical expertise to shoot a TV show, just like Herr Dr. McVety has done with, broadcast by CTS and the Miracle Channel. Of course, looking at something occurs to me. Let's just go back to that Globe article a moment...
"Mr. Day and Mr. Nicholson said through officials yesterday they did not recall discussing the issue with Mr. McVety."
Well that might just be some Gonzo worthy forgettering! Pop on over to and have a gander at the big, grinning line up of Christian luminaries. You got your fat, dead ignorant pig-faced Jerry Falwell and a hand full of greasy... hey! Wait just a second, who's that smiling off the screen, third from the right? Isn't that, yes, yes it is Safety Minister Stockwell Day!

I'm going out on a limb here but I'm going to suggest that crazy, fundie fuckwit Dr. Senor McVety is telling the truth. I'd bet my bottom dollar that he did use his access to fellow fundamentalist Christian retard Stockwell Day, to peddle this back door economic censorship. Because one of these godly gents is a lying, disreputable shit and while it could easily be either or both, in this instance Stockwell has something to hide and McVety just has a bloated ego to feed. Given that he has a college and a TV show to feed his ego, I'm going with weasel boy Day trying to sneak out of culpability as the most likely scenario.
Here's a thought for Mr. Day, Dr. McVety, Conservative MP Batters, Mr. Nicholson and the rest of the self righteous pissants waving their Jesus flags and declaring that they know best, keep your dirty fingers out of the arts. You can vote for or against a film at the box office. Keep your grubby faith off our bodies, out of our bedrooms and private lives. You are the most destructively meddlesome herd of inbred pricks that walk upright. Lead your lives in all of your smug, self-righteous bliss. What others do, how they live and what they practice or believe is none of your business. You are unwelcome nannies. Fuck off.
UPDATE Additional Readings:
An excellent examination by Dave at The Galloping Beaver.
The fabulous JJ let's 'em have it at the Award Wining Unrepentant Old Hippie.
Standing for your freedoms of expression and personal autonomy, the ever heroic over-achievers at A Creative Revolution.
Superstar blogger and stalwart defender of free speech, fair use and electronic liberty, Canadian science fiction author Cory Doctorow weighs in at boingboing.
The awesome matttbastard asks the musical question, will selfish, prissy whingers like Ezra (me, me, me) Levant side with freedom of expression for anyone other than his own plump, privileged self? mattt lays it down over at bastard.logic.
And last but certainly not least, the show-offs over at Stageleft have two entries. Treehugger leads off with Fat Steve, Auteur and Stageleft caps it off with what is truly offensive.
An oversight on my part as the ACR team knocks more than one out of the park. A second helping won't hurt a bit over at A Creative Revolution.