Shocked! Shocked, I am:
OTTAWA -- A House of Commons committee will ask Prime Minister Stephen Harper to testify before it as part of an investigation into how Maxime Bernier came to leave secret government documents at his ex-girlfriend's house...
A source close to the prime minister indicated he would decline the committee's invitation.
In a follow-up press conference, the prime minister responded to a pointed question by telling a journalist to sit down and shut the fuck up, or he would come over and kick him in the nuts.
In unrelated news, Canada's Minister of the Environment John Baird told a reporter to put a fucking sock in it, or he would rip off his head and shit down his neck.

Baird then bit the head off a live puppy before stalking off to kick quadraplegics out of their wheelchairs.
How long will it take before our Bush-emulating Harper starts invoking "Executive Privilege"?
He is already, mentarch. He's just not even bothering to use the words.
Executive Priv is the biggest crock of shit and deterrent to justice there is.
Effectively it is 'legal' permission to violate the law and get away with it.
I swear to god that picture of Baird is a really really good campaign image for anyone running against the cpc.
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