Friday, June 20, 2008

Oh, yeah -- it's on.

With respect to yesterday's throw-down, Blogging Tory "Atheist Conservative" has accepted the challenge to host the first open discussion to see if we on the Left are actually capable of thoughtful and reasoned discourse. And, to no one's surprise, we haven't even selected a topic yet but AC's Blogging Tory colleague Brian Lemon is already pissing and moaning:

Lore - many have tried to have a debate with Lindsey Cynic [sic] - cant be done.

Yes, kids ... that would be the same Brian Lemon who butt-fucked his credibility into non-existence spreading unfounded, Drudge-inspired smears about CNN reporter Michael Ware, then dishonestly manipulating news pieces, then quietly deleting critical comments, then lying about what he wrote, then refusing to apologize for his douchebaggery after having it pointed out to him. But, hey, let's not take my word for it. Yes, Brian ... you are just the person to be lecturing us on debating. Fucking prat.

And, at this point, given the earlier comments, I am simply going to make an executive decision, and ask AC to post the following at his site, at which point you are all free to go wild.

RESOLVED: That, because Omar Khadr is a Canadian and was 15 years old when he was captured, Canada should be demanding his return from Guantanamo Bay.

That's it. Nothing more than that. People who want to participate will be expected to contribute logical, coherent comments that actually address the issue. Let's see how well this works.

AC ... the post, if you will.


Lindsay Stewart said...

in the unlikely event that brian lemon gets some grown up assistance to sound out these words, my name is spelled with an 'a', as in lindsay. it is an old scots name that means tree by the water or tree by the brook. further mr lemon, it is entirely possible to have a reasoned and civil debate with me.

on the other hand, i submit that despite the best efforts of patrick ross, and other bt sorts that like to throw names around as though they were some sort of talisman, you sir have managed to learn nothing. you throw your rocks without aim. only a moment of browsing here or among your compatriots would have helped you to not only spell my name but to differentiate me from your intended target. you haven't performed due diligence, thus debating one with your already apparent limitations would be akin to punching out an 8 year old.

take a hike mr lemon.

LuLu said...

You do realize, CC, that by picking Omar Khadr teh Righties will immediately go into full-metal froth about this being a definitive example that the Left (i.e. us) is comprised of terrorist-loving, Islamohomocommieveganfeminazi Fascists. I'm just sayin'.

Oh and since we're not debating just yet ...

Dear Brian Lemon:

Fuck off twice you dishonest, goal-post-shifting hypocrite.


Ti-Guy said...

Now that Lemon has noticed, you can bet the rest of the hyenas will be preparing to swarm and infect the discussion with their particular brand of profane-less profanity.

Romantic Heretic said...

I'd like to participate but I just had a new e-book come out and will be busy promoting it.

If I didn't have that excuse I'd dream up another one, like picking my toes. Which would b a better way to spend my time.

Life's too short to spend it talking with brain diseased fuckwads.

chris said...

Meanwhile, at the BT Master Debaters' Club (no wymyn allowed):
Canadian Cynic, trinity of eeeeeevil, or girly men? (Oh wait, what was the question again?)

This should be amusing.