Attention West Coast of Canada. Vancouver musician Scotty Hard is still recuperating from serious injuries suffered as a result of a hit and run driver in New York City. Given the absence of a sane medical system in our neighbouring country, the expenses are astronomical. So, his very good and generous friends and fellow musicians, the ones that brought you Hardstock at the Commodore Ballroom are back.
On Friday, June 13th at 7:00 in the evening, hike your weary rumps down to Christ Church Cathedral and learn that to give, you must receive, the gift of music. A wealth of brilliant players, performers and luminaries are donating their time and talent to raise funds for the Scotty Hard Trust to help pay Scott's medical expenses.
You can find out more about the event and the performers by visiting Holy Hardstock.
Go in peace, my children.
Thanks PSA!
This will be a bit of a different show than Hardstock at the Commodore - we even have stained glass windows this time around - but no less stellar. And fun. It's all-ages, so bring the family.
Scotty update: He's out of Bellevue and into a rehab facility. Costs are no less onerous and may even be higher per diem than the hospital. However, he is in a really good place at the moment.
From a message from his buisness partner (excerpts)
"Scott has transitioned from Bellevue Hospital and resettled for rehabilitation into Beth Abraham Family of Health Services, in the Bronx...
...After meeting with Minnie Maldonado, the admissions director, and Connie Tomaino (a trumpet player!), the head of the institute, and Tom McClelland, the head of music...who worked with the Weavers...I knew Scott, if accepted, would be in a good place. Once I saw the music studio occupational therapy room, in my mind there was no other choice...
...Scott has been there a week now, and has said he's doing great. He's getting a solid work out everyday form the therapists, and got the wireless feed to the laptop all figured out."
Actualy he's been there about three weeks now. And I know he's just going to rule that music studio.
Btw - Beth Abe is also the home facility of Dr. Oliver Sacks.
The Golden Hardstock Guitar is now on the auction block at www.scottyyhardsuppers.com
It began its performing life in the hands of Craig Northey of The Odds/Colin James fame. From there it became "kind of like the Stanley Cup, passed around from champion to champion and maybe lost on a street corner in Winnipeg."
Today, it has become a symbol of the musical community that has rushed to the aid of Scotty Hard.
"On that night at the Commodore I had every performer sign it and some people played it," said Northey. "It has become the "Gerry Cheevers Mask" of Hardstock 08."
What's it worth? "I think its retail value is around $650," says Craig Northey. "Its sentimental value, however — or hoodoo with all those signatures — is probably closer to $1 million."
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