Friday, June 13, 2008


Your party of morals and family values. Remind me never to nod off around these people.


Ti-Guy said...

Image of the deviant in question.

I'm really starting to wonder if there's some correlation between "conservative" "doughiness" and latent homosexuality.

...Oh, relax, Ryan Sparrow. It's just an hypothesis.

Mike said...

Why don't these guys just come out of the closet? Then they won't have to sexually assault sleeping men in order to satisfy their sexuality. They can just be open and no one would freakin care....

Well except for John Pachecco and "Dr." Charles McVety, but who really cares what delusional twits like that think anyway?

That guy said...

Why don't these guys just come out of the closet?

Because self-loathing is their kink.

Frank Frink said...

That it happened in bunk beds seems oddly appropriate considering Murphy's probable new 'housing arrangements'.