Saturday, July 18, 2009

Wingnut madness, down the memory hole.

Over the last few days, we here at CC HQ have been having a howling good time, basking in the misery of one Major Stefan Cook, an Obama "birther" froot loop whose weaselly shenanigans to bring a lawsuit against Barack Obama regarding Obama's birth certificate cost Cook his job, probably his security clearance and may have set him up for a court martial, all of it richly deserved.

But what's truly curious is that this wingnut stipudity has been relentlessly promoted by the online compost pile "World Net Daily" who, weirdly, less than one year ago, had this to say:

Democrat sues Sen. Obama over 'fraudulent candidacy'
Lawsuit disputing U.S. citizenship based in part on discredited claims

Posted: August 23, 2008

I'm sorry, what was that again ... all that bitching and moaning is based on "discredited claims?" What a peculiar admission for WND to make, given their current pimping of that same controversy. Oh, please, WND ... tell us more:

A prominent Pennsylvania Democrat has sued Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission, claiming that Obama is not a natural-born citizen and, therefore, is not eligible to be president of the United States...

However, a WND investigation has found that at least part of Berg's lawsuit relies on discredited claims.

How odd, that they would have taken this position as recently as just last year. But don't let me interrupt -- carry on, WND:

... says it obtained Obama's actual certification of live birth and that the document was indeed real. The site discredited some of the claims of Internet bloggers, such as that the certificate as viewed in a scanned copy released by Obama's campaign lacked a raised seal. also established that many of the alleged flaws in the document noted by bloggers were caused by the scanning of the document.

It's not "" it's "," but this is WingNutDaily we're dealing with here, so you have to expect illiteracy. But then the entertainment value kicks in:

A separate WND investigation into Obama's certification of live birth utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic. The investigation also revealed methods used by some of the bloggers to determine the document was fake involved forgeries, in that a few bloggers added text and images to the certificate scan that weren't originally there.

I'm sorry, WND, I didn't quite catch that, can you repeat that?

A separate WND investigation into Obama's certification of live birth utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic.

Yeah, I thought that's what you said -- a curious admission given that you're taking exactly the opposite position today.

How exactly does anyone take these whackjobs seriously? I'm sure this isn't over. I'm still really, really hoping for a court martial. That would make my day.


Marky Mark said...

FYI it wasn't clear that McCain was eligible to be President based on REAL facts--he was born in the Panama Canal Zone which isn't part of the US, where his father was stationed at the time. And had he won I don't think the DNC would have contested his victory on the basis that he was not a "natural born citizen."

Joseph D. said...

Well, you know, brown people are NOT born in America. Duh. It's COMPLETELY un-American and against the whole American way of life!

You can't blame these honest to Gosh Americans for being completely dumbfounded by the idea that some brown guy was actually born on American soil and not brought over from Africa in a ship.

/brain damage.

Frank Frink said...

Marky, the McCain/Canal Zone issue has already been resolved so it wouldn't have been an issue at all.

KEvron said...

may i suggest a new tack on this? tell them they're right about obama, then laugh in their impotent faces. tell them the left has snuck one by them while they where sleeping, and now there's nothing they can do about it. their heads'll explode!


Ti-Guy said...

tell them they're right about obama, then laugh in their impotent faces. tell them the left has snuck one by them while they where sleeping, and now there's nothing they can do about it. their heads'll explode!

Do you really believe that'll work on the wingnuts?

It won't. The chorus of "See? I told you so! will become accepted wisdom.

Never assert anything when it comes to wingnuts. Ask constantly "What evidence do you have to support this assertion?...How do you know this?...What led you to that conclusion?"

Since they're all born liars, they fall to pieces when faced with that line of inquiry.

Zorpheous said...

Obama isn't even human, he's hald bear, half man and half pig,... he's man-bear-pig

Joseph D. said...

@Zorpheous - Part pig? IMPOSSIBLE! He's MUSLIM!

KEvron said...

"Do you really believe that'll work on the wingnuts?"

"work"?! i don't follow you.

look, birfers are a fringe group, and come in two sorts: a small few of them are genuine tinfoil-types, but the majority of them know this is just a red herring. just more of their passive aggressive bulshit. continually demanding evidence is like a 13-yeard-old brat asking "why?" after everthing you say to them, seeing how long they can get you to fall for it before you finally catch on.

" they fall to pieces when faced with that line of inquiry"



Polyorchnid Octopunch said...

Actually, the issue around McCain brings up a slightly different can of worms.

If the soil in the US base in Panama is considered US for the purposes of determining whether or not McCain is a native born son in the eyes of the constitution, why is it that the soil in the US base in Guantanamo isn't considered US for the purposes of determining whether or not the detainees there are under the purview of the rights and protections for persons against the state?

I'd really like to hear the answer to that one.

GaryB said...

The conservative mind is so divorced from reality that disproof of their idiocy is taken as proof. Once a meme has rooted itself in their mind, everything heard tends to fertilize its growth.

GaryB said...

Jack, the answer is: convenience.