You know, Steve, we've all become pretty used to your Blogging Tories being an appalling collection of bigots, racists, white supremacists, neo-Nazi sympathizers and just plain scientific illiterates and deranged, eliminationist yahoos incapable of any sort of intellectual discourse. But you've truly outdone yourself this time with one Maria S., otherwise known as "Dodo Can Spell," who started off badly by condoning law-breaking and now, astonishingly, is directly accusing certain people (your humble scribe included) of having leprosy.
So this is the face of the Blogging Tories you want to show the public, Stephen? Seriously, that's what you're promoting as thoughtful, nuanced, Canadian conservative punditry? I just wanted there to be no misunderstanding that that's your idea of acceptable, right-wing political commentary in this country.
I'm glad we had this little chat, Steve.

Wow. Add another deranged lunatic to that should be locked away.
At least you now have an IP.....
Now we all know that claiming someone has a grievous disease is libel, unlike simply calling someone mean names.
But dodo would easily use the "incredible" defense. No observer after a cursory reading of her blog, would consider dodo's words to be credible, so her libel would likely not be actionable. Though it is still libel.
I think we have another phony, hoping someone to call the HRC. There is certainly a whole wharf full of bait there.
Or she's another tiresome graduate of the "make millions on the internet" course, trolling to get Adsense revenue.
Use the graphic, use the graphic,..
I don't know....that post was kind of amusing. If you're going to be crazy, crank it up to 11, I say. Frankly, she's only posting what Stephen Taylor, Hate MacVilain, etc. would post themselves, if they thought they could get away with it.
Of course, I'll cluck my tongue at her vilification of lepers, but then, that's nothing new with them either.
I can just hear the Dodo hitting the bottom like a sack of wet shit,... LOL!!!
Look CC, do you ever back up and read what you write about other people? I'm not going to get into who's more insulting than whom, but as the old story goes, when you're a mudslinger you're going to get hit with some slung mud. Whether or not you ever link to that "insufferable twatwaddle" again is entirely up to you, but last time I looked, calling someone a "leper" was no worse than calling him or her any of the host of epithets you've used in the past. Sorry, but your bleat to Mr Taylor really smacks of "Daaaaad! She hit me back!"
Geez Michael, that is one painful and rambling blog you have. It's a giant "Dad he's LOOKING at me!"
calling someone a "leper" was no worse than calling him or her any of the host of epithets you've used in the past
No, claiming someone has a terrible disease is LIBEL. You can call someone stupid, a cunt, even a cocksucker or whatever, and you are insulting them. But claim they have AIDS (or leprosy), claim they are promiscuous, claim they are a criminal, or claim they are a liar and it is actionable as libel or slander. Unless, of course, you can prove it.
However, your point that being insulting will get you insulted is certainly true, if trivially so.
you're missing the point, michael: cc continually delights in reminding taylor that his aggregator is comprised of halfwits and bigots and all manner of knuckledraggers. in this case, the bt in question has chosen to drag victims of a horrible dissease into the fray. cc's also underscoring the fact that his unwilling outing, an act that many bt's actively engaged, has consequences, now that such commentary as dodo's can be construed as libel, futher illustrating the reckless nature of his confederates.
"your point that being insulting will get you insulted is certainly true, if trivially so."
it's just that some of us are better at it than others.
than calling him or her any of the host of epithets you've used in the past
The "whole host" here being "cunt."
I'll never get over the ability of the free speech absolutist wingnuts who to make such absurd distinctions when it comes to language. John Stewart joked about it the other day; how the FCC can *bleep* him for saying "fuck" while the treason/insurrection/incitement and hate speech flow like water from the mainstream media.
It's almost like he was turning Canadian right before my eyes.
There is not such a fine line between batshit crazy and pointing out in insulting terms that stupidity of Conservatives don't you think Michael?
well, she's posting comments now. without reading them, it seems; read her flopsweaty response.
After reading some of "Maria" / "Dodo can spell", posts and comments, I think that it's some kind of crude construct, diversion or elaborate sock puppetry. As others have pointed out, that blog may turn out to be a dumb decoy, an artifice created for the purpose of attracting the attention of particular bloggers. And to what end?
Engaging high-profile opponents, and shredding the essential wrongness of their authoritarian pontification is a judicious strategy.
Wouldn't starving "Dodo" of the attention it craves work much better as a smack-down? C'mon, it's just a differently packaged troll.
wv = aviate
deBeauxOs has a point.
But CC has a point.
What does "Manning Institute for [subverting] Democracy" fellow Steven Taylor have to say about this monstrosity inhabiting his blog-roll.
CC should continue to document her abominations but the rest of us should refrain from poking the beast in its cage or wasting breath typing about her here.
She's either a decoy or she's a very sick individual.
"I think that it's some kind of crude construct, diversion or elaborate sock puppetry."
that's my general approach to cyberspace. makes your previous scold on the matter kinda silly, no?
but since you brought it up: does anyone ese get the feeling maria's channeling annie wilkes?
While I have seen that level Socket puppetry before, I have rarely seen it pulled off, and I have seen it pulled off by those on the right. This would be equivalent of a Stephen Colbert in the Hen House of the Blogging Tories,... which would be great,...
Yet given that Dodo isn't off the mark of normal Rightwingners with their views of Palin and other issues,... I think what we have here is honest representation of some lady's POV,...
While I know many bloggers are never same in real world as they appear to be on their blogs,... some are just that kind of unhinged,...
Take for example
1) Kathy Shiadle
2) Neo Conservative
3) Dick Evans
4) Kate of SDA
5) Long since passed, but not forgotten Anonalogue
6) Girl on the Right
And that is just the short list off the top of head from the Rightwing,... now we have a new player "Teh Dodo"
I'm sure a similar list can be made of leftwing bloggers, but I have never seen the same level of viciousness on the left. Oh I know CC talks a good smacking, but he always has left it in Blogosphere where it belongs.
"Elaborate sock puppetry?" That suggests that Mr. Stephen Taylor was PWNED totally in accepting a fake blogger into the BT aggregator.
Yes, I guess he really is that stupid. Wouldn't surprise me in the least. Fake bloggers with fake punditry. Pretty much sums it up.
"I'm sure a similar list can be made of leftwing bloggers"
du does has its fair share of kooks.
Channeling Annie Wilkes,... to what end though? The only people who would be damaged would be Stephen Taylor and BT Roll and given that Taylor allows people Like Neo Conservative, Kate of SDA and had people like Richard Evans and Anonalogue on his blog roll in the past,... I can hardly see him sweating over the likes of Teh Dodo,...
If the Dodo is a Sock Puppet, then it will be only to the damage of Taylor and the BTer's
Either way it's a win for us,... It's like having Sarah Palin running for the GOP in 2012
"to what end though?"
she just a vessel....
A Newclear Vessel?
more like a colostomy bag.
As others have pointed out, that blog may turn out to be a dumb decoy, an artifice created for the purpose of attracting the attention of particular bloggers. And to what end?
To collect IP addresses for 'outing' purposes perhaps? Maybe someone should ask Mike Brock, Jay Currie, Arnie Shaidle and NAMBLA-Dick about that.
I think we are done with Teh Dodo, check her blog,... game, set and match
Today, I got a software company to retrieve records of visits to my blog Dodo Can Spell and and I can prove to you that almost all the verbal abuse (I have copies of every last comment made) can be linked to people who post comments at Canadian Cynic.
She had a software company pull the access records to her blog,... ok now who is bull shitting who who here?
She has copies of the comments,... well laudie freaking daw
If this blogger is for real, then she is the biggest cry baby I have ever heard of,... If she is sock puppet, I say leave her be,...
big secret....
Ummm... isn't she also somehow trying to imply that she can also access the IP logs of CC's blog? If she claims to be able to use the records of *her* ISP to find prove that her "abusers", then it would follow that she would also need the same type of records for this blog, in order to be able to compare posters.
She is just so full of shit.
isn't she also somehow trying to imply that she can also access the IP logs of CC's blog?
Of course she is. But she can't without a court order. Since she's on blogger, she can't even get her own blog's IP logs without a court order.
She's using statcounter, so she doesn't need IP logs from here, she'll just compare the names. The "software company" that put the statcounter code in her blog template would know how to retrieve the statcounter logs. Of course the anons won't be determined from this.
She is just so full of shit.
I disagree. Given the amount being spewed, there is no known replenishment system that would allow us to say she continues to be "full".
I can't wait until she (and others) finds out my real name *is* Ti-Guy. My last name is LaFoune.
Perhaps Stephen Taylor was not PWNED - he could be a passive accomplice. His motive? - a petulant pique that his trite trivia campaign about Ignatieff was a MASSIVE flop.
Doesn't the timing just seem really suspicious? A newbie, with not much in the way of backstory - most of the BTs are relatively known (even those Ruffles-styled)- suddenly pops up out of nowhere and zeroes in on CC.
This malevolent gremlin has an agenda and it may not be the one that's on display.
As I said, there are real adversaries out there worth lambasting and excoriating for their hateful propaganda, the fabrications they present as facts and the religious authoritarian pontification they offer as truths.
Those attacked by Dodo might stay vigilant and proceed with caution - this épouvantail crafted from putrid excrement may not be what it claims to be.
I think deBeauxOs maybe more correct than on Teh Dodo,... she outs herself,... wtf is that all about???
If this is Sock Puppet theatre then its time to stop feeding it, if Teh is legit, time to back away before it snaps,...
Either way the smack down is complete
"suddenly pops up out of nowhere and zeroes in on CC."
actually, cc posted about maria before she posted about him.
Dearly beloved:
Here's the thing.
What we have here is a not very bright, not very articulate person with very primitive ideas and very rudimentary rhetorical skills. She's very excited because she's attracted some attention.
That it all.
Do you dorks play dungeons and dragons much?
you want an honest answer?
Yo, Stinkro ... if we bug you so much, why do you keep showing up here? Don't you have your own blog to moan and kvetch on?
Or do you just prefer hanging out where the people are?
Dear faithful readers:
If someone wants to track down "Dodo" and verify whether she's a plant, or whether she really is as genuinely stupid as she appears, you have my blessing.
Right from her latest:
Maria Sarah Nunes of Toronto, Canada
This has to be a hoax--no one can be this daft--raising a mini-tempest around the local blogging establishment and then leaving a calling card...
Scroll on down. Is that the Maria Nunes? How could it be? She completed school.
Is she edumacated? That is unpossible!
At this point, I've pretty much lost interest in "Dodo," who is -- and I mean this seriously -- the first Blogging Tory I've actually considered mentally ill.
I mean, "Neo Conservative" is a blatant racist, and Dr. Roy is dumb as a sack of shit, and Kate -- well, let's not go there.
But "Dodo" is just deranged. I wouldn't leave her alone with anyone's children. She scares me.
Good point, though I suspect she'd be quickly outsmarted by the children and they'd escape her gingerbread house.
What we have here is a not very bright, not very articulate person with very primitive ideas and very rudimentary rhetorical skills. She's very excited because she's attracted some attention.
To paraphrase Henry James, she's an old sausage, fizzing and sputtering in her own grease.
Turn off the heat and she'll fizzle out soon enough.
Descibing the The First/Last Flight of the Dodo,...
Short, fast and a messy landing,...
"She's very excited because she's attracted some attention."
A little too excited. Like "time-to-up-the-meds" excited.
Prozac: not just for breakfast anymore!
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