Thursday, July 30, 2009

And the mask slips just a little ...

Blogging Tory "Hunter" gets into the imagery just a little too much for comfort:

Slash goes the knife cutting into her. The pain would be unbelievable. My baby....I must protect my baby! Or maybe they bludgeoned her to death, then cut out the baby. Smack goes the hammer to her head, but don't kill her until the baby is out or it may die. Don't shut off the images, it's the cowards way out. Imagine how Darlene Haynes died. No matter how you picture her death, it is violent.

Is it just me, or does Hunter seem to be thoroughly enjoying this in a "Neo Conservative" kind of way?


Anonymous said...

Huntsy IS a slasher!

Ti-Guy said...

I'm sure she'd be just fine with whole villages of brown people being incinerated by missiles launched from a computer terminal located thousands of kilometres away. That's how Conservatives think about violence.

You'd think they'd have more sympathy for people being tortured though, wouldn't you?

greeneggsandtam said...

I can sort of imagine her at a party. I bet even the psychos cut her real wide berth.

Ti-Guy said...

She's probably a little mouse who never opens her mouth in public.

KEvron said...

snuff porn's not really my thing....
