There's a common meme -- one admittedly pushed every so often right here at CC HQ -- that, despite the sad-sack collection of screeching yobs, howling dingbats, ugly racists and intellectual cripples that make up Canada's Blogging Tories, its co-founder Stephen Taylor is somehow above all that. He's more reasonable, he's more sane, he's more honest -- he's just not as batshit fucking crazy as the rest of them.
Based on a recent post of Stephen's, I believe we can put all of that to rest, as we read here:
A lesson that I’ve learned from online politics and media in this town is that official still matters. You or I could make commercial quality Youtube videos everyday until the next election, but unless they were official party efforts, they would be largely ignored because of significance of source. If Stephen Harper made a Youtube video slagging Ignatieff, it would be national news. is a decent enough website, but while it got some buzz in the blogosphere, it didn’t get too much play in the mainstream media.
Yes, poor didn't get much play in the MSM. It couldn't possibly be because what it offered up was unmitigated crap that would embarrass a moderately sophisticated 8-year-old, like:

Yes, that poor MSM -- completely unaware of the priceless political punditry they were missing. But that's not why we're here. No, here's Stephen's money quote, a bit earlier in that same piece:
In December, I launched to help organize nationwide protests against the Ignatieff endorsed unelected coalition government supported by the Bloc Quebecois.
Uh huh.
Here's Stephen Taylor, Canadian political wunderkind, yapping on ominously about that previous "unelected coalition government," as opposed to, what, Stephen? An elected one? How do you figure that would have worked, Steve? It kind of goes with the very definition of the term that a coalition government in Canada is not going to be the one that was elected, so one isn't sure what your point is.
But Stephen isn't done, as he digs a bit deeper into the sleazebucket with "supported by the Bloc Quebecois," clearly a quick smear job given the fact that they're, you know, French and everything and God help us all that a legitimate federal political party have any say in what happens in federal politics. And let's conveniently forget that Taylor's Conservative Party of Canada, not that long ago, tried exactly the same stunt. One wonders why that plays no part in Stephen's little missive.
One further wonders what the fuck they're teaching over there at the Manning Centre for Building Democracy when members like Stephen Taylor still haven't figured out how Canadian politics work, or what the deal is with coalition governments. And one wonders even more why so many people (moi included) have been willing to cut Taylor any slack at all when, quite simply, he's no better than the rest of the ugly liars over there at the BTs.
Sadly, regardless of how charitable one wants to be, Taylor is just another of the relentless liars in the Blogging Tory sandbox. He's not special. He's Kate McMillan without the paint fumes. He's Dr. Roy with better spelling. He's "Neo Conservative" without a police scanner. Quite simply, he's as wretchedly worthless and dishonest as everyone else at that house of douchebaggery. He just happens to dress slightly better. But take away the suit and haircut and, truly, he wouldn't stand out in that crowd. Not even a little bit.
But if we're lucky and he keeps at it, maybe some day Stephen will figure out how Canadian elections work. That would be awesome.
His fashion sense is second rate.... like all that he does.
Apparently, the legacy of the entire neoCon movement will be the public understanding that Conservative is a synonym for liar.
maybe some day Stephen will figure out how Canadian elections work.
Sure -- the day the CPC are booted back to the opposition benches. Then suddenly it will be high treason to prorogue government, use government funds to attack the opposition, talk to the Bloc...
Figuring out the reason for that upcoming change of heart is left as an exercise for the reader.
I'm guessing that will be the day that mailing ten-percenters halfway across the country to ridings who don't give a shit will suddenly be a bad thing.
Stephen Taylor is a useless, lying hack.
Crying over "iggyfacts"! What an idiot.
I'm guessing that will be the day that mailing ten-percenters halfway across the country to ridings who don't give a shit will suddenly be a bad thing.
Christ, don't get me started on that. Fucking CBC has a report on it today as if the whole scam just started this week.
Three years I've been getting those things! And *I'm* paying for them. The last few are even "bundled" with an advert for, which is a Conservative Party site.
That's Stephen Taylor and his Blogging Tories in a nutshell: An homage to the wilful disregard of ethics.
I don't know if Michael Ignatieff actually does make Keith Martin escort around his cats and I don't really give a rat's patootie. It probably reads better than:
Stephen Harper makes John Baird escort around his wife.
http://some.url/Uj3Rk5 #bigdaddyfacts
What's wrong exactly with Iggy asking Kevin Martin to help out with his kitty escorting? I mean, shit, if Martin had experience doing the same for Harper's cats when he was on the other side of the floor, why not take full advantage?
"In December, I launched to help organize nationwide protests against the Ignatieff endorsed unelected coalition government supported by the Bloc Quebecois."
Unelected? Seems to me that every single member of parliament that would join together in forming a coalition is indeed elected. Disingenuous fibbery with a frisson of ignorance. How charming.
"Lindsay Stewart said..."
can i still call you ape?
The 10%er thing will keep coming up again, and again, and again. At least if I can help it, it will. I made it on local CBC morning radio in the Winter about it, and now someone from NL got it on the news. What we really need is the justice system to slap these money wasters down as illegally spending our money. Fat chance of that happening though.
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