Why court cases should be broadcast on network TV:
Instead of realizing that her case is dead, Orly Taitz has instead amended the original Complaint to make it even more bizarre: ...
Essentially she wants to turn the case into a class action and give every member of the military an excuse to disobey orders, not that most of them would take her up on that offer.
4. Once again, Orly has signed the Complaint herself. She’s not admitted to practice in Georgia, and she hasn’t been admitted to pro hac vice in this case either. There’s no local counsel. Does she really think the Judge isn’t going to notice that.
I have a vision of how this is going to play out ...
Yeah, something like that. But funnier.
OH, SWEET JESUS, the hilarity that's going to ensue:
Major Cook will be lucky not to get the death penalty.
Did she escape from somewhere? You know... state institution or some such thing?
The problem is, (and it really isn't one), is that, given my middling knowledge of the body of people which constitute the US armed services, it is pretty much representative of the general population of the U.S.
She will attract some of the more shallow thinkers to her cause. I suppose that could be considered a good thing in that it will assist in some necessary culling of otherwise worthless personnel, but dammit, courts martial are expensive!!
She's a drain on the taxpayer!
Oh man,... my Stuck On Stoopid meter just broke again,... Damn it CC, why do you insist one dredging up this retards,...
yar.... i seems to b stoopidr nows zat i watchided tis driiiiivle. arrr, i drool.
My god man. This Maj Cook guy should be institutionalised for buying in with this completely unhinged wing nut.
And Dave is right. Courts Martials are expensive as all heck.
I'm kind of liking her now.
Hey, what can I say? I'm a sucker for a Russian accent. I bet I'd like shlemazl a lot more if his blog were audio. Wouldn't his loony rantings be much improved if it were so?
That Putin really does have a sense of humour, doesn't he. Oh, those crazy Russians. Always looking to punk Uncle Sam. eh?
I dunno....
Are you sure this isn't newly slimmed down, make-up-aged collab-type deal from Lisa Nova?
Orly is also a dentist and a real estate agent! Speaks 5 (count them) 5 languages! hahahaha
Holy crap.
No doubt she will be touted by Pam at Atlas Shrugs as a hero of the people.
That is grade A lunacy!
In the case of Mr. Cook, no court-martial is required. His orders have been rescinded, his security clearance suspended, and the Army will put his record on the stack marked "Do Not Promote Even If Hell Freezes Over." The regulations requiring him to retire for failing to be promoted will kick in and he will be promptly and quietly moved to the retired list.
He'll still get his pension, the daft sod. Although if Pres Obama can't legally be the Commander in Chief, he can't legally sign those retirement checks, either. I wonder if Mr. Cook is going to refuse to accept them.
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