Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's all in the headline, don't you think?

Blogging Tory "Gay and Right" Fred takes time off from never talking about gay issues to get all panty-bunchy about terrorism:

Was another 9/11 recently foiled???

Here's an interesting story from Pajamas Media...

The United States may have narrowly missed a repeat of the 9/11 attacks in June — and, apparently, even the FBI doesn’t realize it.

I'm not sure what Fred's point is but, if I was an editor in the MSM, I might headline that story as, "Vigilance by Obama administration prevents more terrorist deaths, unlike previous Bush administration, which killed 3,000 people."

Or something like that.

P.S. You'll never guess who shows up in the comments there, offering to give Fred a reach around. Seriously, you'll never guess.


Southern Quebec said...

Duh! or should I just say DoDo!

Unknown said...

Oh Jebus,... she's actually stoopid enough to think that she would win a battle of wits,...

Fly,... Dodo,... FLLLYYYY!!!!

You know CC, if we just let her continue on her own,... if we just simply ignore her,... she will jump off the cliffs of "Teh Stoopid" all on her own.

I am actually torn between tearing her to tiny bits of Dodo flesh or just letting gravity do the work for us,...

This one has Newbie written all over her,... I wonder if she has bother to read Five feet of Fury, Small Dead Animals and Richard Evans blog (ya Dodo, use the google and learn about the people you associating with,... spend about a month reading their blogs)

Tear to itty-bitty dodo bits or let the bord fly off the cliff herself,...

Of course if we do the itty-bitty Dodo bits thingie, we have to listen to the rightweiners whine about "beating up a poor defensely woman of colour" our use of naughty langauge,... and this was sooooo totally uncalled for,...

Let the Dodo fly, gravity can be funny too,... smirk

deBeauxOs said...

Sorry to stomp in here like your mother would, but scubag ... "tearing her to tiny bits of Dodo flesh"?

Perhaps you might want to pull back a bit, because you are sounding to me very much like you are beating up on this female blogger and enjoying it quite a bit.

CC took her to task thoroughly for that inept, threatening and idjit blogpost she did.

Continue in this vein and I won't be the only one thinking your bullying tactics are in the same league as the worst of the Blogging Tories.

Unknown said...

Guilty as charged, and if Dodo is stupid enough to pick a fight with CC then she deserves everything she's asking for,... maybe CC will use the graphic I sent him,... Please CC, use it

Not Eh Zorpheous, but Teh Zorpheous

Bismark said...

I say just let nature (or gravity to be more specific) take its inevitable course. She's really not worth the effort, however limited it need be to mock such a slow moving target.

Southern Quebec said...

She is one sick individual. She has posted photos of lepers and is ridiculing them. sick, sick, sick...

Sparky said...

Me thinks we should give dodo a wide berth--she's unhinged

CC said...

Sparky: I have to agree. Seriously, she scares me. But at least she's found a home in the Blogging Tories -- she'll fit right in with the eliminationist rhetoric of Kate McMillan and "Neo Conservative." She's a perfect match.

Stephen Taylor must be so proud.

Sparky said...

Her latest--
You don't know "sick" as yet. Wait and watch. And, thanks for the compliment
Is she a parody? Is this some sort of fantastic hoax? I know over the years a few 'lefties' have talked about 'what if someone were to take all the idiotic attributes of the bt's (and there are many) and start a blog' much like colbert did on tv with regard to the republicans (still love 'truthiness').
Seriously, when was the last time someone went to 'lepers' (with pictures even) when trying to make a point?
Though I shouldn't be too surprised when other bt's post miscarried baby pictures all over their blogs...

Anonymous said...

I don't think she meant lepers. I think she was thinking leprechauns and she hit lepers by mistake.

Anonymous said...

Then again, she might have been thinking about lemurs

Ti-Guy said...

Seriously, you'll never guess.

I didn't. I thought it would be Joannne "Good story! *burble* *gush* *chirp* chirp*" True Blew.

KEvron said...

"you are beating up on this female blogger"

what does gender have to do with this? or do you believe women deserve special dispensation in cyberspace (a notion i find particularly sexist)?
