Friday, May 04, 2007

And sometimes, the snark just writes itself.

I swear, sometimes I think this is just parody:

"All the pros and cons on the war have been aired"

Victor Davis Hanson on "The Crazy Middle East";

All that has come and gone, and we are left in the end with the verdict of the battlefield. The war will be won or lost, like it or not, fairly or unjustly, in the next six months in Baghdad.

Please don't make me have to explain that.

I'M SORRY, you've never heard of Victor Davis Hanson? Ah, forgive me, let me introduce you.

1 comment:

Rev.Paperboy said...

yeah just one more Friedman unit and we ought to have everything worked out...Things have turned the corner in Iraq so many times now that they have gone all the way around the block and are back on the same road straight to hell.