Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I feel a sudden increase of joy in the force ...

... ah, there we go. Burn in hell, you evil bastard.

Tune in tomorrow when the wankersphere uses our celebrating to prove how angry the Left is.

NOT SURPRISINGLY, the maudlin, teary Blogging Tory memorializing is off and running. Although, if I was "Christian Conservative," I'm not sure I'd be looking forward to joining Jerry where he's gone. That way lies a nasty surprise, I'm guessing.


Anonymous said...

One down...

Lindsay Stewart said...

there will be much weeping among the retardoholics. so long you fat fuck.

Zorpheous said...

I know I should not be happy when a person dies, but I did smile when Saddam was executed,... and while I just can't help myself today either,... I' just grinning ear-to-ear over the good news.

Dean P said...

No doubt the right-wing wankosphere will be falling over itself to criticise the fact that many of the groups he used to say would burn in hell are happy that he's gone and will talk about how we're just as nasty as him, and how is it any different to wish him ill than it was for him to say the same.

Tough. I'm glad that right about now he's getting sodomized with a 20cm diameter barbed white hot dildo by a bunch of leather-clad gay devil abortion providers. (Well, I would if I believed in hell).

Anonymous said...

After what he said after 9/11, he deserves every torture he's hopefully getting if there's an afterlife.

(Former Falwell and Old Time Gospel Hour supporter here. I've been doing penance for years.)

Anatoly said...

Three cheers for dead fat bigots!

ThinkingManNeil said...

I hope, one day, to travel to wherever Falwell is buried and join the long line of folks happily pissing on his grave. My only regret is that I didn't have a chance to wipe that perpetually smug smirk off of his face, but that would've likely involved some physical force on my part which would've landed me in jail, and he was just not worth that. So instead I'll just say "Goodbye and good riddance you bigoted, ignorant, lying, contemptible sack of shit!" and dance the dance of joy...


Anonymous said...

HALLELUJAH !!! The fat witch is dead!!!


Dave said...

I think the wankosphere has already started.

JJ said...

The wankosphere never stops.

Weasel said...

Dear Jerry,

I hope your afterlife is smokin'.



The Weasel

Anonymous said...

What a douchebag...hope he can stand the heat!

Anonymous said...

Tsk tsk.