Tuesday, May 01, 2007

All your waters are belong to us.

Alison at Creekside has been all over this issue, and it's not like I have a whole lot more to add, but if anyone doesn't understand the potential clusterfuck here, this is an interesting read, particularly this passage:

A contentious issue that continues to be debated is whether the United States is entitled under the NAFTA (and was previously under the FTA, which contained similar provisions) to a share of Canada’s fresh water supply.

Did you catch that? Whether the U.S. is entitled to some of Canada's water. That's what this is all about, folks.


Ti-Guy said...

The Con-fucks don't care about this; they're all planning on retiring in dry, sunny and well-watered Scottsdale, Arizona, where they can play golf in the desert.

Weasel said...

Oh yeah. I'm just so proud to be an 'Merican. I'm gonna go slam my head into a wall now. =/

Jennifer Smith said...

Well hell, they're entitled to our oil under NAFTA - why not our water?

The CBC needs to start airing Paul Gross' 'H2O' 24/7 until people get that this isn't fiction any more.