Remember Peter Csillag, boys and girls, and his straight-out-of-the-Eugenics-handbook approach to Alberta’s escalating crime numbers? Well, it looks like he’s earned his Blogging Tory chops because when you click on the link to his original post, this is what you get.
Once again, definitive proof that being a Blogging Tory means never, ever having to stand by what you’ve said. Not when you have access to that nifty delete button.
Never deleted a post yet. I've always stayed the course to the bitter end, even if I have had to hide in a few spider holes.
He's posted:
Article removed
Posting removed, for the time being
Don't worry, Mr. Csillag...I've saved a copy for you.
Well, well, isn't that shocking.
Holy shit, just used Teh Magic of the Googlie Cache on the Intertoobes to find out what had been deleted.
Christ, CC, how do you find all the idiots?
Our country reeks of trees,
Our yaks are really large,...
Did anyone else find it somewhere between funny and ironic that Mr. Csillag doesn't bother to enable comments on his blog?
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