The paranoia is absolutely palpable, but it's this comment that's so delightful:
hunter said...
No anon, you are assuming that lefties are honest and willing to debate. They aren't, they don't.
Um, yeah ... been there, done that.
AFTERSNARK: The Politic's Matthew is purely swept away in his gushing adoration of the cinematic excellence of the movie "Expelled." Reality begs to differ.
Well, the "anonymous" over there pretty much made the only point worth making...its a completely disposable argument to claim your beliefs (hopefully grounded in real-world evidence) are not being given a fair hearing when you can't muster enough courage to even express them. And laughingly, "Hunter" provides evidence that an expectation of good faith on her part cannot be expected.
What righties fact, insist an acknowledgment that they're correct before they've even presented their case. That's what they call "debate."
They're insane.
I love the stuff about a cure for cancer, especially since we ALREADY HAVE A CURE FOR CANCER. Discovered at the university of Alberta last year. They're currently working to raise the money for clinical trials (because the cure is an unpatented medication, and hence very difficult to make money off, they are being forced to pay for the testing with private donations.)
So, too late on that one, ID. But then, if you believe ID, it seems you're pretty much forced to believe that God designed cancer too, so trying to cure it sounds like hubris to me.
I'll stop believing in climate change as soon as I get my $10,000 check from Exxon.
Soros just isn't coughing up the dough.
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