Saturday, January 26, 2008

Holy Jesus Christ, the burning stupid!

Gawd Almighty, but you might want to buckle up for this one. First, TGB's Dave attempts to impart something resembling actual information:

Kursk. You might try something unique in your ilk.

Start with the Officer's Professional Development Program, military law.

You don't get to decide.

As you pointed out, the CF, internally at least, is not a democracy.

Understand completely, I have been in a situation where I threatened to kill one of my own men for making a move not to protect a prisoner.

It's not a fucking video game and you don't have a clue what you're yapping about.

To which, God help us all, Blogging Tory Alberta Fuckwit makes it clear that he just doesn't give a shit about facts:

Dave I really do not know if the CF would be called the detaining power, but they are the ones doing the actual detaining so... Could NATO or even the UN be called the detaining power as the mission is under those umbrellas?

Either way it does not matter as this little contrived story has done nothing but again shown the Liberals to be incompetent boobs. I guess Bib Rae doesn't have a blackberry or cell phone as both Dion and Iggy could not manage to contact him before he started going off in public about something they ALREADY knew about.

Honestly, how can you possibly engage such screeching idiocy in intellectual discourse?

IN THE MEANTIME, you can bathe in the intellectual brilliance that is Canada's right-wing military punditry. Given time, I'm sure you can appreciate the subtle difference.


LuLu said...

Ah yes, the school of thought which opines that one should "kill them all and then let God sort them out". Just gives you a warm and fuzzy, doesn't it?

Dave said...

OK. I've done my bit for society. I've waded among the stupid. Enough's enough.

I must, however, bookmark CJunk's posting. It will come in so handy when highlighting the mindset of the core group from which Harper gains his support.

Boris said...

I'm still wondering what Cjunk is trying to suggest by putting an image of skinheads on top of an anti-Muslim post implying a need for European racial/religious purity to save themselves while also decrying Nazi-type extremism but advocating support for extremist European politicians.

Does not compute.

Red Tory said...

Nice comment from that shrieking fucktard "real conservative" over there:

I'm still hoping that Rae is elected in Gaydale (gay & rosedale).

What a pathetic bunch of losers.

Herr Junker Sr. actually quotes comedian, drug addict and notorious draft dodger Rush Limbaugh unironically with respect to his apparent endorsement of a "Rambo" movie. And then you've got "centrist" Raphael railing against feminists, now talking about "biological purity"...

The fascism is really thick in the air over at BT-Central these days, isn't it?

When did the Conservative Party become so insanely kooky?

LuLu said...

Right about the time they were taken over by the Reform/Alliance ...

Raphael Alexander said...

By the way, I wrote an article based on cjunks tacit approval of Rush Limbaughs review of the Documentary "Rambo".

Raphael Alexander said...

And Red, you know damn well what I meant about biological purity. Don't feign ignorance over here.

Ti-Guy said...

Did you really know that, Red? That'd be a significant achievement; Raphael's writing is the most impenetrable I've come across since Olaf's.

Raphael Alexander said...

What is that supposed to mean? Do you object to the usage of the word paternal as well?

Ti-Guy said...

Only when you tried to re-define it.

Don't get's a common affliction with young men these days. Rather than read more widely and develop a more sophisticated vocabulary with which to articulate the thoughts jostling and whirling around in their beautiful minds, they opt simply to insist words mean what they want them to mean.

Raphael Alexander said...

33 is young? Thanks, but I don't think that's gonna help...