... And you'll find an anti-Semite;
Posted by Kate at January 12, 2008 12:36 AM
Hey, that looks like fun, let me try. Um ... scratch a Canadian right winger, and you'll find a mentally retarded, syphilitic pedophile. Oh, man, is this unsubstantiated, sweeping generalization a good time or what?
Don't try this at home, kids. Remember -- we're professionals.
She must know she's being counter-productive. I followed her link to the Miami Herald article and read that this is all wrapped up in the Venezuelan/Iran/Bush-era politics. That's a big chunk to tackle, one that sensible and well-meaning people would do well be as informed as possible about. But ol' KKKate doesn't really care about that...with her, it's all about defaming lefties with her propaganda.
Why would anyone bother listening to someone who, quite simply, is not interested in solutions?
Oooh, oooh, my turn! Scratch a Blogging Tory and you'll find a drooling, talking point spewing, fuckwit.
Hey, this is fun ...
Better yet, scratch a righty and you find a real anti-semite. The documentation on that is unassailable. The minute the Right loses its support of vocal rightwing Jews, the minute you'll start seeing the ol' Dolchstoß.
I don't know who they think they're fooling...they're racist and bigoted with regard to everyone else.
The Miami Herald article is suspect, to say the least. In one of the two instances of alleged newspaper anti-Semitism, it's the reporter who interpolates :the Jews" into a quotation. Then we have the odd allegation that the government regularly publishes articles, all called "The Jewish Question," and every one of which includes a Jewish star superimposed upon a swastika--whatever that latter is supposed to signify. We aren't told. Finally we have two "raids" on a Jewish school that resulted in no one being abused, or arrested, and no damage being caused. I. for one, would like to know more.
This isn't the first time that tired "anti-Semitic" card has been played against Chavez. He gave a Christmas speech some time ago, railing against the powerful elites of history, and this was seized upon by the wingnuts as obvious anti-Semitism. The oppressed and terrorized Jewish population of Venezuela, for some reason, sprang to Chavez's defence.
At least one doesn't have to scratch Kate to find what she's about--unrelenting hostility, bigotry and a curious propensity to defend neo-Nazis.
I actually left a comment over there, for whatever it's worth. I really don't know why I bother. But check out this addlepated drivel from someone named "Phantom" (ooooo, scary!):
"Leftism", if I can collect that motley assortment of mental malfunctions under one label, is purely a totalitarian impulse. Its rooted in the bone-deep fear that someone, somewhere might be enjoying themselves.
I'd hazard that is why the Lefty response to the bulldozer line seems rather forced and pro-forma these days. The sons of b1tches are sitting there at their keyboards thinking "Serves them right too. Go Chavez!"
What a bunch of fucking morons.
Sorry for the typos above. Not :the Jews" but "the Jews."
I had meant to add that calling Chavez' Christmas speech "anti-Semitic" is almost classical projection, isn't it? I mean, who else but far-rightists, hearing Chavez talk about "powerful elites," including the Pharisees and Sadducees who collaborated with Rome, would start thinking about "the Jews" as Christ-killers and international cabalists--unless those ideas were already present in the back (and maybe the front) of their minds?
Dr. D. — Did you see that KEv located a cache for the blog of your "Roundhead" troll? It's on the earlier Hahahaha! thread. Interesting.
On another note, a bit of shameless self-promotion here, I've got another little ditty over at Scott's place this morning if anyone's interested.
But check out this addlepated drivel from someone named "Phantom" (ooooo, scary!):
Oh, he's a complete psychopath. A former roadie with a vague history of living in the States and a love of guns who has also implied that he's a credentialed intellectual of some undetermined variety. He stalked Paladeia at her blog for the longest time.
What a bunch of charmers.
See, now if we had a Registry of Trolls, I would have known that. ;)
Thanks for the heads-up, Red. Seems our friend might get more readers in death than he ever had in life.
Y'know, I like this Registry of Trolls idea. Let me think about it.
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