Thursday, January 17, 2008

Mercifully, some things never change.

  • Shorter Calgary blogger, failed politician and NAMBLA devotee Richard Evans: "Jonah Goldberg is a genius."

  • Shorter Jon Swift: "Richard Evans is a retard."

Well, OK, Jon didn't use those exact words, but I'm sure you saw where he was going with that.


counter-coulter said...

Jonah quote that Richard Evans offers up as proof of Jonah's genius: “Liberals are gonna be livid.”

I think that Liberals are too busy right now -- what with their sides hurting from the laughter and all -- for them to be livid about anything.

I love these right-wing tactics of accusing liberals of the most vile things (project much?) and then do the old "looks like it hit close to the bone to get them all riled up like that!" canard.

Miss Cellania said...

You may condense Jon Swift's 1000 or so words down to one sentence, but his are still worth reading! Kinda like watching a well-designed Rube Goldberg machine...

That guy said...

Livid? Ah, no. Deeply amused.