Wednesday, January 16, 2008

If it's a weekday, I must believe in science.

As Lulu (via the inimitable PZ Myers) mentioned earlier, those wascally wabbits over at "Answers in Genesis" have started a new, after-school project:

Answers Research Journal (ARJ) is a professional, peer-reviewed technical journal for the publication of interdisciplinary scientific and other relevant research from the perspective of the recent Creation and the global Flood within a biblical framework.

You can even read one of the inaugural articles by one Andrew A. Snelling here:

Catastrophic Granite Formation

by Andrew A. Snelling

The timescale for the generation of granitic magmas and their subsequent intrusion, crystallization, and cooling as plutons is no longer incompatible with the biblical time frames of the global, year-long Flood cataclysm and of 6,000–7,000 years for earth history.

Which sounds just ducky, except for the fact that our Mr. Snelling has (how shall I put this diplomatically?) some credibility problems. In short, Snelling will be happy to tell you what you want to hear, depending on what hat he happens to be wearing at the time and who's buying the beer.

I'm sure you're shocked.


Red Tory said...

"codswallop",,, There's a fine old word from Blighty we need to hear more of!

Hilarious article. And no, I for one am not in the least bit surprised.

LuLu said...

Well, obviously Snelling 2 is Snelling 1's evil, anti-ID, sciencey, satanic twin. Anyone could've figured that out ...