Today’s example of drooling, righttard lunacy courtesy of BT Mesopotamia West. I told you he was a keeper.
To the left, stoning a women to death for adultery is probably just another interesting cultural activity since -- to them -- all cultures are equal.
As God is my witness, I have no idea where to go with this.
The level of anthropological illiteracy here is not atypical on the starboard side of the blogosphere. They cannot, will not and do not understand what cultural relativism is (a method), and confuse it utterly with moral relativism.
There's no point arguing with such people. Their entire brain is stuffed with clichés, platitudes, idées both fixes and reçues, and "talking points" gleaned from people as blitheringly ignorant as themselves.
Happy effing 2008, people.
Happy effing New Year to you, too, my good doctor. You really have to read his entire post to appreciate the sheer denial of reality that is Mesopotamia West.
Angry old white man Hilliard's problem is that he believes WWIII is already taking place and laments the fact that no War Measures Act is in place to straighten up the rest of us.
These crazy old coots...where are they and who is giving them access to a computer? It's just angries up their blood.
Have these people ever actually met or spoken to anyone on "the left"? Or do they just read about 'em on each other's blogs?
Their entire brain is stuffed
Yes, I meant that. They have only one, which they pass around to each other at posting time, like demented Norns.
Have any of us ever met any Frank Hilliards? I certainly have...I grew up with people like that. When they say things like "You think stoning a women to death for adultery is probably just another interesting cultural activity" and (barring any knowledge of mental health issues) you decide to challenge them, they at once become bug-eyed and red-faced and livid and look like they're about to strangle you.
So you, wisely, back off and let them drink themselves to death.
It's too bad Mr. Hilliard is far too old to serve in the current World War he's got going in his mind. I would personally provide him with a supply of chocolate bars and cigarettes and nylons and see him off at the train station.
And to the right putting two bullets into the back of a doctor you think is performing abortions is just a peachy keen way to show your support for "God"
Ti-Guy, I had relatives like that. All that's missing is a visual of him shaking his stick at someone.
This is just too easy, somehow. He makes Richard Evans look positively urbane.
It's too bad Mr. Hilliard is far too old to serve in the current World War he's got going in his mind.
And that's part of the problem. It's only in his (their?) mind. I don't know how many times I've heard the morass in Afghanistan equated to the events of WW2 as though they are equivalent conflicts but it's far too often and no analogy I've heard so far actually has any relevance.
I notice old Frankie hauled out the "We're doing it for the women" line. That's the standard fall-back position for any RWA who has already lost the argument in every other area.
The interesting thing is that his type couldn't care less about the women - anywhere. They despise feminists, have no idea what is actually happening with the women in Afghanistan and do nothing to support women's right groups in that country.
To a closed-minded RWA like Frank, a woman with rights is a WIFE
If you suggest that women deserve equal rights, here or in Afghanistan, and that means he'll have to back away from his position of male privilege, he'd scream blue murder.
I don't know how many times I've heard the morass in Afghanistan equated to the events of WW2 as though they are equivalent conflicts but it's far too often
You'd think a former reservist like Hilliard (Queen's York Rangers, 1st American) would be loath to make that comparison. It diminishes their own contribution:
"You mean that's all WW2 was? A conflict in a faraway, dusty land involving a couple of thousand troops and fewer than 100 casualties? And no sacrifices to make at home? Then why has an entire generation made such a production of it? Jeeze..."
For the sake of the children and the veterans, Frank...just shut up.
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