Sunday, January 13, 2008

Holy fuck, the burning stupid!

One of those adorable little urchins from over at The Politic is all a-twitter over the evolution-bashing Ben Stein cinematic atrocity "Expelled." Go. Read the dumbassitude. Then go read something sane.

You're welcome.

, I'm guessing that my regular readers don't need this pointed out to them but, for the benefit of passers-by, let me explain why The Politic blogger Matthew linked to above is an ignorant, condescending little snot rag.

It's not that he's creaming himself over a movie of which he admits he's seen only the trailer, oh no. No, here's the money quote from Matthew (emphasis added):

I hope that everyone who considers themselves to be truly open minded to all the possibilities of science watches this too. As for the commentators on this blog who will simply dismiss both this post and this movie as blind faith, I offer the challenge to you that Stein implies in the above-linked movie: watch the movie, listen to the criticism and respond accordingly. Otherwise, it really begs the question on whether you are really comfortable with your faith in what you have heard about evolution (studies, evidence of, arguments for), or are just paranoid that someone if challenged with a rival theory like intelligent design it will come crashing down.

To which one can, in complete safety, respond, "Fuck you, Matthew, you ignorant turd." Let me explain.

Demanding that the opposition be "fair" and "open-minded" and to "examine both sides" is a common lament of the Dumbass-o-sphere these days. And who could object? How could anyone complain about open-mindedness and fairness and good stuff like that there?

What Matthew (speaking from his position of hideous, infantile ignorance) doesn't seem to understand is that we have been open-minded and fair. Quite simply, those of us who actually understand science have examined the evidence, both for creationism and, more recently, for Intelligent Design. And we have all concluded that it's pure and unadulterated shit, and have explained this in horrific detail countless times for anyone who's willing to pay attention.

And yet, to no avail, as scientific illiterates like Matthew, who have no inkling of the history here, come along with the latest piece of ID-inspired crap and sanctimoniously suggest that, this time, they've got it right, and those of us who just blow him off as yet another bone-headed yokel are being unfairly closed-minded.

No, Matthew, it doesn't work that way. We have listened, we have examined the evidence and we have demonstrated how it's utter rubbish. And after having done that 100 times, I believe we've earned the right to refuse to do it a 101st time, and to simply say, "Piss off, you twit. Go read some science books and learn something for a change."

In short, Matthew's smug, condescending sarcasm is entirely unjustified. We of the science people have been down that road over and over and over, again and again, repeatedly, and we're just plain tired of refuting the same stupid arguments. Quite simply, when morons like Matthew come up squealing with delight, presenting us with the same trash we've been seeing for years, we really do have every right to just say, "Fuck right off."

And we don't even have to be embarrassed about it.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Isn't it amusing what a quiet e-mail can accomplish?

. Poor Matthew is absolutely getting his ass handed to him by people who actually know stuff, so it's going to be amusing to see just how far his open-mindedness goes, or whether that sort of thing is only for other people.


Ti-Guy said...

They're so indifferent to the documented intellectual dishonesty that is manifest when you look at ID carefully. In the Dover case, it was astonishing to observe the extent to which the witnesses lied under oath.

That's why I don't engage them. When you're dealing with peopéle that dishonest, you get the impression you're not even dealing with human beings anymore.

That being said, I'm fascinated by exposés of irrationality as deliberate as this movie and intrigued at how Bein Stein (who I know knows this is a scam) has involved himself in this. I'll probably see the movie eventually; but I won't spend one penny for the experience.

S. Walker said...

Yes the total honesty of that film... hmm... where to start... how about how they got interviews... or the BS about Sternberg... geez...

E in MD said...

I hope that everyone who considers themselves to be truly open minded to all the possibilities of science watches this too.

I am open to all the possibilities of science. ID is not science. ID is superstition dressed up in colorful words that sorta kinda sound scientific so that they fool the rubes, rednecks and jesus-freaks. The biggest indicator of this is the fact that none of these IDers have a problem with using the Christian creation story as a basis of their 'science'. But let a Amerind or a Muslim or a Scientologist or a Flying Spaghetti Monsterist step up, all of whom have the exact same amount of evidence that their version of the story is correct, and they either back down from their claims as they did in Florida or they go into conniptions about being repressed.

Intelligent Design is bullshit. It is worse than our cave man ancestors seeing someone getting struck by lightning and deciding to sacrifice goats to the the gods of the sky because no one happened to be struck by lightning after he did it.

It is worse because at least our cave man great-umpteenth grandaddy can claim ignorance and stupidity for his delusional state, these people have all been educated in a modern society so they have no excuses. Either they're crooks trying to control people or their mindless rubes who believe nonsense because it makes them sleep better at night.

ID is no more science than are alchemy and astrology. You have a better chance of accidentally predicting something using tasseography and it is less honest with it's practitioners than extispicy.

Sorry, I'm not going to a doctor who's answer to why my heart valve is malfunctiongin is 'God did it'. If you want that sort of thing that is your business. You IDer types laugh at people who cover themselves in ox blood and dance around during the full moon to cure disease. I will be doing the same to you. Why? Because you're fucking idiots.