Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Denyse O'Leary: The never-ending stupid.

I'm just plain running out of punchlines.

P.S. Great minds think alike.


Ti-Guy said...

As usual, I had to stop at the first fallacy:

Essentially, I can’t do anything about the fact that science, which was supposed to dramatically confirm atheism (remember when?), hasn’t done anything of the kind.

When was science *supposed* to do anything? Scientists can be intentioned, and the rest of us can make choices about what we do with what science tells us, but science itself does not claim any such grand motivation.

*tsk*...And here I thought she was approaching sentience. What a disappointing set-back.

It really does occur to me that Denyse is at war with atheists and is trying to hold science hostage: "Nice empiricism ya got here, heathens. Shame if something were to happen to it..."

Lindsay Stewart said...

fuckery. that's as bright as saying that dancing was supposed to dramatically confirm geometry (remember when?)

apple meet orange. orange, apple. never the twain.

i wonder what she uses to wash her own poop out of her hair after tumbling around with her head up her arse.