It has come to my attention that manly men like yourself believe that every argument about any given subject can be settled with a ruler and the prompt dropping of trou, but I think it’s long past time to accept that objects in the rear view mirror really aren’t larger than they appear. And referencing Wanda Watkins, patron saint of the Blogging Tories, any time CC or this blog is mentioned anywhere just reinforces the widely-held opinion that you’re a retard. Get a new issue to hump. Seriously.
P.S. If this and this are any indication of the reasoned and civil discourse that you and your fuckwit cronies on the Right keep flogging, then I will happily stay over here on the moonbat, potty mouthed, tree-hugging dark side Left. At least we’ve got a fucking sense of humour. And cookies. I have a t-shirt that says so.
Holy Chocolate Jesus ... Patsy Ross coming off as the voice of reason and moderation? As Stewart Gilligan Griffin would say, "What the hell, man?"
Scared the crap out of me, too. The Apocalypse can't be far behind ...
Not me. Patsy Ross isn't an amoral cretin...he's just crazy...72-hour hold, rubber-room, restrict-access-to-firearms, Werner Patels crazy. Smart-crazy, stalker-crazy, in other words.
Whereas neo's just a talking turd.
I find it strangely hilarious (or hilariously strange) that his "A" material is to call CC "Canadian Cecilia". Because you know, being a girl is the worst thing evar!
I bet he still believes in cooties.
cecilia also being the patron saint of music. i am so deeply hurt by that, wounded even.
Cecilia sounds like cilia, the coolest word in all biology.
So I'm curious. Is Margaret Trudeau still alive? And if she is, then why isn't she prime minister of Canada?
That house superimposed over a colorized bullet has got to be one of the shitiest logos I have ever seen. Is is unbalanced, tawdry, and childish. Very, very unprofessional. No one can possibly take it seriously.
Perfect for that site.
That gibbering loon isn’t even worth clicking on any link to his dismal shithole of site. I really don’t know why you give him the traffic (okay, I do know why… but still). Maybe you should just quote him if you must, but not provide a link in future? I think he gets quite the little stiffy from the spikes in traffic he gets from your referrals.
Maybe you should just quote him if you must, but not provide a link in future?
If I have to go into the fire swamp and fight the ROUS's, I'm taking you all with me. I believe in sharing.
Been there, done that, didn't want the t-shirt
Beyond the fact that he doesn't back any f his arguements up with any facts whatsoever, this raging woodie for the constant throwing out the Watkins quote is extremely tiresome.
As kelseigh said, if that's his 'A' game...
Lulu — Okay, that's your story and you're sticking too it, right? Sharing... yeah, that's the ticket.
Sparky — Seems that's all this pathetic wanker has got. Wanda Watkins, calling CC a girl's name and moaning about use of the word cunt. Not exactly the BT's best and brightest... But then who is? What a bunch of losers.
My dear RT, are you implying that I'm not a person who shares? I'll have you know I'm over in the Ass Monkey's comment thread sharing with him right now.
I am all about the sharing.
moaning about use of the word cunt
Heh heh.. if I had a nickel...
and now he's playing with his sock puppets again. i think "coke-fueled" best describes....
and now he's playing with his sock puppets again.
I hope he washes those things from time to time. They must get awfully sticky after a while.
They must get awfully sticky after a while.
That's why they're called 'tube socks'.
Prolly coke and Sears cataloge fueled!
We got Maple Cream cookies.
"Join Us"
How are the cookies kids? Would you like a nice glass of virgin, low fat, unpasteurized, goats milk with that?
Cc's mom.
p.s. I'm so happy to see little red is back at the round just wasn't right having an unused tinky winky place mat.
More cookies?
Hi Syncro.
Everybody look, Syncro’s here - say hi. Did the Ass Monkey let you cross the streets all by yourself? It's a big scary world outside your hermetically-sealed BT environment. We'll try to lower ourselves to your reading level.
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