Tuesday, May 09, 2006

How (not) to keep a secret.

Wow -- some people really do get their Underoos in a bunch when you report on what they're actually doing. Be sure to read the comments to see what happens when Ms. Thompson calls those folks on their weaselitude.


Anonymous said...

I think I just learned that "conservative intellectualism" (eh?) is in a "state" about the "hind-thought of media scrutiny". Gotta go pluck out my eyeballs now.
Regards from the Eastern Front.

Alison said...

Well that was certainly rousing.
Good comments from thickslab and Phyl.
On the Con side, I particularly enjoyed the defense that Elizabeth Thompson shouldn't have been reporting on Luntz's speech because it wasn't in a Connie press release.
Unfortunately Hitler has now been invoked, which usually means they are winding it up.