Tuesday, May 16, 2006

ENOUGH with the Randi Rhodes worship already!

While, like many in Left Blogsylvania, I can appreciate the smack Randi Rhodes gave to that punk-ass little chickenshit Ben Ferguson here, the subsequent worship of Rhodes is getting a wee bit out of hand, like here:

Randi, well, she don’t play dat. She bites down on a topic and locks her jaw like a pit bull and doesn’t back down.

Oh, please. This is not a smackdown:

FERGUSON: Who said war was easy?

RHODES: Our troops don't get the support they need. They're there without the proper troop numbers.

At the risk of plagiarizing my own writing in the comments section from another blog and embellishing, this would have been a smackdown:

FERGUSON: Who said war was easy?

RHODES: Who said war was easy? You did, you little punk! You and the rest of your right-wing, neo-con idols and role models, who assured us that this invasion was going to be a "cakewalk," that it could be done with a fraction of the troops that the generals were recommending, that it was going to be just "shock and fucking awe," that it would cost $17 billion tops, that we'd be in and out in only a few months and that all those grateful Iraqis would be throwing flowers at our feet!

Who said war was easy? You idiots did, when you sent in the troops without even giving them the proper equipment or enough body armour, and then had the fucking gall to go mouthing off about how everything was just "Mission Accomplished!"

Who said war was easy? Let me give you a hint, you ignorant little fuck. It wasn't us."

There. That's a smackdown.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A-fucking men!