Via Liberal Catnip, we learn that that sleazy little ratfuck Karl Rove is apparently going to be indicted, but here's the most entertaining part of this article about that:
"We need to start fresh and we can't do that with the uncertainty of Karl's case hanging over our heads," said one White House aide. "There's no doubt that it will be front page news if and when (an indictment) happens. But eventually it will become old news quickly. The key issue here is that the president or Mr. Bolten respond to the charges immediately, make a statement and then move on to other important policy issues and keep that as the main focus going forward."
Wow. If it happens, make a quick statement, then move on. That's pretty amusing stuff from folks who still obsess over Bill Clinton's blowjob six years after he left office, isn't it?
HERE COMES THE SPIN, LITTLE DARLIN' ... It should be great fun to watch the inevitable wankitude of the usual suspects downplaying Rove's indictment after having spent years twisting their nutsacks into a knot over Bill Clinton. After all, with Clinton, it wasn't the sex, it was the lying. Under oath. Why, by God, that's perjury! And, son of a bitch, that's more than reason enough to impeach a sitting president!
And now, of course, those same hacks will be happy to explain to you why Karl Rove lying, under oath, is no big deal. You know it's coming. Just make yourself comfortable and enjoy the show.
Lying, whether under oath or not, is a vile habit that politicians have adopted.
Trouble is, when people who don't lie try to run, the electorate isn't interested.
Who's the last guy who got elected by saying that in order to finance massive tax cuts, he'll have to slash government spending. How about the guy who told us that he's got all these fantastic government programs lined up for our benefit, we'll just have to fork over more tax money to pay for them.
The electorate is more interested in hearing about the fantasy platform where we get better programs, less taxes, and a bright, utopian future. No wonder politicians have to break so many promises.
word is that after Karl Rove is indicted this week, Dick Cheney is next.
It's hilarious that you can't see the load of bullshit in that "article."
Leopold posted that article sometime early Friday evening - no later than 6:30 p.m. according to a post by Will Pitt on the Democratic Underground. For Leopold to claim that there was a 15 hour meeting, it would have to have started at no later than 3:30 a.m.!
The article as it was originally posted claimed that Rove had "24 hours to get his affairs in order." That obviously didn't pan out, so Leopold changed it to "24 business hours." No one talks like that. "You have 24 business hours to get your affairs in order." What a load of crap!
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