Thursday, April 13, 2006

Religious whackjobs on parade.

No, this is not part of the "War on Christianity." It's part of the war on really, really stupid, wingnut fundamentalist retards. It's not my fault if you can't tell the difference.


Anonymous said...


I find it ridiculous that she was not only offended by it, but felt that it was her right to have it removed.

Pastafarians unite!!!!

P.S. - I thought you'd find this amusing:

Refresh page to see more pearls of Chimpy wisdom. There's more to it, but blogger rejected the code that allowed the image.

Rev.Paperboy said...

wouldn't that picture constitute embracing a religion in the school?
You would want the teacher hanging a picture of hay-zesus would you? Perhaps portraits of his noodliness should not be hung in schools or govt buildings unless pics of other religious icon are present?

Anonymous said...

I'm considering converting.