Friday, April 21, 2006

Not "funny ha ha" so much as "funny ... yeesh."

Does anyone else find this just a little bit creepy? That is, creepy in that "Sweetie, your uncle hugs you for that long just because he loves you" kind of way?


Aunty Bertha said...


Anonymous said...

When I read that, yesterday, I was already thinking, "Man, the dad just needs to get the little girl a chastity belt for this to be complete," and then someone in the Comments said exactly that.

I was also fascinated that someone made the connection between the anti-abortionists who are so gung-ho into this perversity. The person said that it confirmed their suspicion that the big anti-abortion push wasn't so much about saving the fetus as it was about controlling women's vaginas. I think that's true.