Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Oh, look. Another broken CPC promise.

Will the backpedaling never end?

The Conservatives may keep some of the personal income tax breaks promised by the previous Liberal government, even though they said during the election campaign they wouldn't do so.

Can we just make a list and start checking it off?


Anonymous said...

Broken promises are to be expected from any newly elected government (or newly re-elected, for that matter).

What makes good PR doesn't make good policy, and I'm glad to see these tax reductions stay. First, because they apply mostly to low-income earners. And decond, because the Liberals already gave the go-ahead to implement these cuts, and the bureaucratic back pedaling necessary to compensate for cancelling these changes would be very cumbersome and expensive. Basically, everybody would owe the government back taxes because not enough was collected in the first place

CC said...

famousringo writes:

What makes good PR doesn't make good policy, and I'm glad to see these tax reductions stay.

Note that I never passed judgment on whether those tax cuts were a good idea or not -- I simply pointed out that the CPC had made a specific promise and broken it.

More to the point, if those tax cuts were a good idea in the first place, then the CPC is doubly guilty -- first by promising something stupid and irresponsible, then subsequently breaking that promise.

Two wrongs may eventually work out for the best in the end, but it doesn't absolve the CPC of its dishonesty in the matter.

Robert McClelland said...

Can we just make a list and start checking it off?

The Big Con.