Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I'm guessing it's all a matter of "context."

So here's how it works. If you're a Christian who wants to say derogatory things about someone's sexual orientation, you're just exercising your right to religious expression.

On the other hand, if you're, say, an atheist saying derogatory things about someone's religious beliefs, why, that's part of a disgusting, intolerant and closed-minded "War on Christianity."

Well, I'm glad we got that all straightened out.


Anonymous said...

The word hypocrite seems to jump into my head when I read those links!

Bazz said...

It's the old "passive persectution" argument (i.e. "I am oppressed merely because you are not."). It's been a favourite of the wingnuts, who, let's face it, are pretty good at finding excuses to feel put upon, for years.

Anonymous said...

I suggest you keep an eye on Tristan Emmanuel and his forces. He was the Canadian voice in the wilderness at the "War on Christians" conference, bemoaning his martyred state.

He foams frothy about hate crime laws infringeing on his right to proselytize against sexualities he doesn't like.

Based in Ontario, he's got high hopes of becoming *the* Canadian exclusionary faith presence.

Anonymous said...

Niles, yes Tristian is a piece of work. Someone desperately needs to find the inevitable dirt on this dangerous dude and get it out there. He is cut of the cloth of the US based crooks , al Ralph Reed, James Dobson, Tom Delay, Robertson, Falwell and the rest of those disgusting shit bags.