Thursday, April 13, 2006

And the creepy similarities just keep coming.

There's this:

BUSH: You know, it's interesting, you said that one of the things that we love doing is to invite our buddies up from Texas. And I think about the time we had Jones, Procter and Selee [sic]. These are guys we grew up with in Midland, Texas. They are down to earth, you know, they have no agenda, except being with their friends Laura and George.

VARGAS: They call you George?

BUSH: No, they call me Mr. President.

VARGAS: I was going to say…

BUSH: They probably don't want to call me Mr. President, but they do call me Mr. President.

And there's this:

Days after Stephen Harper took over as Prime Minister of Canada, chief of staff Ian Brodie had a suggestion for the youthful men and women who make up the new Prime Minister's Office.

When the Conservative Prime Minister enters the room for his early-morning staff meeting, the assembled employees should stand up as a show of respect. The request, according to sources, didn't get very far. But the message was still clear.

Overwhelming sense of grandiosity and self-importance? Check.


Anonymous said...

Hail Harper!

Dame said...

Our Glorious Leader?//
before he was PM I called him "Mr Phlegm...or Turtleman..
he is even creepier the Preston...

little fat potentate..