Saturday, April 01, 2006

40% ... 40, 40, 40 ... WHOA, do I hear 30?

Once upon a time, even as George W. Bush's popularity was slowly but steadily sinking, most pundits were adamant that an approval rating of 40% was absolutely, positively a rock bottom limit for the Chimpster, based on the conventional wisdom that 40% of Americans really were so irreparably brain-damaged that they would support the man no matter what.

Clearly, that conventional wisdom was wrong as you can see in the graph of Historical Bush Approval Ratings here, which brings up an obvious question that one can ask mostly in jest but with just a hint of seriousness: Does anyone think a legitimate poll will ever show Bush breaking 30%?

Remember, passing 40% was once considered absurd and unthinkable, and Bush still has almost two years to fuck things up even further. What are the chances of 30%? And how many ponies will Holden have by then?

Of course, there are some inherent dangers here.

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