Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Dear Greg: Let's talk about that "linking" thing, shall we?

Way back in April, when we were having such an animated discussion about civility, The Politic's Greg Farries had this to say about the idea of simply linking to someone else's asinine/insulting/offensive output (see comment 3):

And I don’t consider linking to an “outrageous” opinion/weblog grounds for using “pointed” comments.

Translation: "Hey, I didn't write it, I just linked to it approvingly. What's your problem?"

Perhaps Greg would like to have a chat with fellow Blogging Tory "Platty", whose sarcasm is obvious:

So, your not to blame, as long as your just repeating what someone else has already said.

That's right, Platty, that's how it works. Just ask Greg.

IT'S AN AARON UNRUH KIND OF MORNING. Apparently, I can display the entire gamut of Canadian conservative dumbassitude this morning without leaving Aaron Unruh's driveway. Having once savaged Aaron (or "Spanky" as he's known 'round these parts) for his inane post on gay marriage, Spanky responded thusly:

Now, one could say that providing a link to an article as well as quoting a passage from the article without any additional commentary makes me a horrible bigotted piece of garbage slimeball, as the silly link-blind person claims and which a handful on trolls of this site are currently screaming. But here’s the deal. I provide the link, you go read if you like, “refute” whatever you like, and leave me alone. How hard is this? And if you don’t like the articles I link, then treat the presence of my name at the top of posts as a warning: “Oops, my feelings are about to be hurt, had better not read.”

Translation: I will link to crap, I won't care if it's crap, and if you don't like it, you can go take a crap.

The Politic
's Aaron Unruh: When it's a tossup between accuracy and ideology, accuracy is generally too much like work.

ANOTHER HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT, IF YOU WILL. Some time back (maybe a few months), I recall reading a blog post where someone (Glenn Greenwald, perhaps) took Instahack Glenn Reynolds to task for his ubiquitous habit of linking to worthless dreck, getting called on it, then shrugging his shoulders, saying, "Hey, I didn't write it, I just linked to it. Not my problem."

Can anyone track down a copy of that? I'm only guessing Greenwald was the author, but I'm sure Reynolds was the victim of that smackdown.

1 comment:

ktk said...

Perhaps if the postings and the links within them on were peppered with more things like "!" starts and additions of "itude" off the back end of wording you might be more receptive to the post in general.

And for the record when you copy the word of the day (misogynstic) try and spell it right. Maybe you just need to work on your 'word-itude'.