Sunday, October 29, 2023

Because fascists gonna fascist.


AFTERSNARK: In case you're wondering what has Ezra stroking himself raw in admiration of Ron DeSantis, it's DeSantis' now-debunked claim that he -- in howling contravention of U.S. government policy -- personally arranged for weapons to be delivered to Israel:

OH, MAN, Ron DeSantis is not having a good Sunday. Take a few minutes ...


thwap said...

Because slaughtering Palestinians is the height of political excellence. (If you're a racist psychopath.)

Purple library guy said...

Looking at that second thing . . . wow, with the alt-right, as soon as they're caught out on their total lack of the principles they normally rant about (freedom of speech, eg), the first instinct is always "lie like a rug". Note how DeSantis makes a vague allegation about what these people he's cutting the rights from said--but if they, like, had really said it, he'd have a quote ready because he, or at least his spin-docs, obviously knew the challenges would be coming.

Kind of freaky when you're such a massive hypocrite that a massive hypocrite like Vivek Ramaswamy is calling you out. Although I suppose he wouldn't be if he didn't happen to be competing with him in the vice-, uh, the presidential race.

Anonymous said...

Poor Ron, asleep as usual. He has been "not woke" for years, he must have contracted that sleeping sickness.

Anonymous said...

The far-right make strange bed-fellows.

Nazis + Japanese a prime example.

I thought Ezra was Jewish, and DeSantis is cool with neo-Nazis.

CC said...

Anon @ 8:15 PM: Ezra has always been one of Canada's most prominent anti-Semites; while he loves to accuse everyone who disagrees with him of anti-Semitism, he's also been an enthusiastic supporter of white nationalism (including neo-Nazism) in all of its guises.

Not so much strange bedfellows, just someone who has no principles other than what puts money in his pocket.