Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Chronicles of Twatrick: Suddenly, it all makes sense.



If you've ever wondered how Lloydminster's Patrick Ross' life turned into such a crap-encrusted train wreck of a dumpster fire, it should be sufficient to appreciate that he worships and idolizes clueless, failed academic and self-obsessed drug addict Jordan Peterson.


Brian Busby said...

Indeed! More than 17,000 scholarly articles, including "Of lizards and ideological entrepreneurs: Alex Jones and Infowars in the relationship between populist nationalism and the post-global media ecology" by
H Van den Bulck and A Hyzen (International Communication Gazette, vol 82, issue 1), "It's hip to be square! The myths of Jordan Peterson" by Daniel Burston (Psychotherapy and Politics International, vol 17, issue 1), and "Filter bubbles and guru effects: Jordan B. Peterson as a public intellectual in the attention economy" by Inge van de Ven and Ties van Gemert (Celebrity Studies, published online 18 Nov 2020).

bell hooks has been cited more than 57,000 times.

MgS said...

How many of those 17,000 papers were written after 2015/16 when he decided to become a full-time grifter?

…. As an aside, I did a quick glance at his publications when he came to public visibility in 2016 - at that point he was a relatively obscure academic writing about the psychology of religious belief.