Wednesday, January 12, 2022


Oddly, right-wingers who, for years, worshipped the concept of obscene, unlimited, incomprehensible wealth are suddenly outraged at the compensation packages of the CEOs of Big Pharma.

What's up with that?


thwap said...

Because they're shameless and will say anything from one second to the next if they imagine some short-term benefit to themselves in it.

Anonymous said...

This new batch isn't exactly "right wing". They seem to be some new flavour of anarchist (the irony of which seems to escape them). Their core principle seems to be that each individual has the right to choose what laws he or she will obey, that individuals should not be accountable to authority. That extends to police, who should choose what laws they are going to enforce.
The whole thing would have a charming, retro feel to it - a combination of naive pre-Chicago hippiedom and Hobbiton - if their arguments were framed in terms of a furious, spoiled teenager.

thwap said...

Ezra Levant, Tucker Carlson (both vaxxed but grifting off of the anti-vaxxers) are not proposing left-wing anarchist libertarianism. They do not give me a "Hobbiton" vibe. (Neither do the members of their audience of rubes.)

There are definitely hippie anti-vaxxers. But Levant and his dupes have very little in common with them. (At least the hippies had ALWAYS criticized Big Pharma.)

Purple library guy said...

Yeah, I'm with thwap on this. Although apparently, the agreement on anti-vaxx is creating a sort of gateway that's started to funnel some hippie new-agey health-foody anti-vaxx types towards icky right wing conspiracy stuff like QAnon. It's disquieting--these are people I had always considered soft-headed and foolish but basically sort of nice, and they're getting led down the garden path to fascist-cultiness.