Saturday, December 12, 2009

Peter MacKay: Prevaricating douchebag.


AND THE TALKING POINTS TAKE ON A LIFE OF THEIR OWN: Remember my discussion of the "hit with a shoe, big deal" talking point back here? Apparently, everyone's ripped that latest missive off of their fax machine, like in the comments section of Susan Riley's article:

Mark H

December 11, 2009 - 3:57 PM

seriously people, shoes are not weapons of torture. One Taliban was hit with a shoe (and not even by us!), and the entire county [sic] screams of torture and our troops are war criminals

That sounds vaguely familiar. Oh, right:

But seriously people, shoes are not weapons of torture. One Taliban was hit with a shoe (and not even by us!), and the entire county [also amusingly sic] screams of torture and our troops are war criminals and we broke international Geneva conventions.

You'll never accuse these people of originality. I'm thinking we should come up with an entertaining name for them. I'm thinking "Sycophantic Temple of Blogging Tory Groupthink." But I'm open to suggestions.


that_chris_guy said...

The Flogging [People With Shoes is Not That Big a Deal] Tories?

MgS said...

"shoes are not weapons of torture" ... well neither is water or an electrical cord per se. It takes the perversity of humankind to think up ways to use it to inflict pain.

Lindsay Stewart said...

"But I'm open to suggestions."

the steno pool.

its like the gene pool but shallower.