Thursday, December 31, 2009

Oh, this should be good.

Welcome to Fellatio and Astroglide Central. The comedic value promises to be enormous.

OH, YEAH, IT'S GOING TO BE GOOD. So far, new members over there include the depressingly senile Sandy "Everything Stephen Harper does is an accomplishment!" Crux, Justin "Raging Non-Soldier" Hoffer and Dr. Jabba the Roy Eappen. It's like founder Craig Smith sat down one day and wondered, "Is there a place where we could give the most addlepated and deranged Blogging Tories their own sandbox?" And he made it so.



double nickel said...

Good grief. Talk about a circle jerk.

Anonymous said...

Wow. The first 3 videos are: racism, anti-semitism, and insane conspiracy theories. Not terribly surprising.

Buddie Dharma said...

Thank you so much for this! My personal fave: "What percentage of Muslims would you classify as extremists? ... I've heard many people say 1%." About the same as the gays, then. Is there treatment available for these poor people?

Dave said...

This is a Jon Stewart site!! I can tell because nobody can be that bizarre unless their looking for a seat on the Comedy Channel.

Dave said...

And they've attracted Justin. That's pretty cool.

Don'tcha think?

Ti-Guy said...

Craig Smith is the founder of The Blogging Tories. Now, do we suppose that the PMO has sent out a directive to the harem of, team of find ways to replicate all of its existing alternate media (*guffaw*) venues to fill a gap during this time when the real media won't have official Conservatives from which to take dictation? Or is this an attempt to slather some fresh lipstick onto the snouts of the same old hogs?

Tell us, Craig Smith! Our enquiring minds want to know. We yearn for knowledge.

Torybaiter said...

The intention of the site also seems to be able give Cons a place where they can social network. After all if you're batshit crazy and you want to breed it can't be that easy to find another batshitcrazy mate.

CC said...

How soon you forget.

Ti-Guy said...

After all if you're batshit crazy and you want to breed it can't be that easy to find another batshitcrazy mate.

Sorry, but that just humanises them more than they deserve. They're just setting up more venues in which to solidify and entrench beliefs by elevating them to quasi-scientific theories. I mean, look at one of the forum topics: "What percentage of Muslims do you classify as extremist?" Not "What do you believe constitutes Islamic (or religious) extremism?" But what percentage do you classify as if they're all anthropologists sociologists carrying out population surveys.

I'm sure the PhD in Education, Sandy Crux, will leap quickly to challenge this horrific distortion of pedagogy. Any minute now.

Anonymous said...

Good grief. Talk about a circle jerk.

And this site is not?

CC said...

Yes, MC, we reality-based folks are annoyingly intolerant when it comes to the massively stupid. The way we close ranks to defend facts and stuff -- you just can't talk to us when we get like that.

Ti-Guy said...

And this site is not?

No it isn't.

Any more questions, love?