Thursday, January 08, 2009

The lack of self-awareness is astonishing.

There was this. And then there was this.

Yes, Denyse, you did get a lot of traffic yesterday -- the whole world was laughing at you. Lord, what a twatwaffle.


Mike said...

She's like the kid who eats bugs for a dollar and then feels so proud about getting attention from peers.

Dr.Dawg said...

She's got a point about that Orchid Mantis, though. Come to think of it, how did animals without teeth, or with just a tooth or two, catch any prey?

wv= "fixed"

Unknown said...

Does she REALLY believe she can get away with claiming that Darwin invented racism?

liberal supporter said...

The racism canard is based on this:

The book's full title is On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, while for the 6th edition of 1872 the title was changed to The Origin of Species.

In those days, "race" was part of the biological taxonomy system, i.e. phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, and followed "species". Different species of the same genus can sometimes interbreed, but all races of a species can interbreed.

"Race", for example, is the way the huge variety of dogs are classified, though today we call them "breeds". Natural selection would readily explain some breeds or races prevailing in certain environments due to the advantages of the minor physical differences they have. Species differentiation is consider the result of true mutation, while race differentiation is due to environmental adaptation, which is why they were given separate mention in the original title.

However, since Darwin was originally an Anglican, later an Agnostic (and NOT atheist), the favouring of "races" would be done by natural selection, which is to say, done by laws of nature as laid down by God. So who is she calling a racist again?

Mike said...

Shorter liberal supporter: "she is literally judging a book by its cover"

Paladiea said...

She's got a point about that Orchid Mantis, though. Come to think of it, how did animals without teeth, or with just a tooth or two, catch any prey

I'm guessing the same way that birds do it.

philosoraptor said...

How I wish she would open up her comments section for the world.

I don't often use the term 'shit for brains', but here we are.

Paladiea said...

I wonder if she'd pass the "mirror" test for self awareness...

liberal supporter said...

I don't often use the term 'shit for brains', but here we are.
She should welcome that, since having shit for brains would confer no evolutionary advantage, she is living proof against natural selection.

I wonder if she'd pass the "mirror" test for self awareness..
Based on the way she parses book titles, does a keyword lookup and filters the results based on her own prejudices, I don't think she'd even pass the Turing test.