Wednesday, January 28, 2009

No one loves snow as much as I do!

What? Why are you all laughing?


Mike said...

The reverse psychology didn't work last time did it?

Dr.Dawg said...

Like the bearded guy on Overboard. Won't work. Prayer doesn't work. Threats don't work. I'd commit the sin against the Holy Ghost if I knew what it was. And Satan doesn't seem very interested in my soul.

Maybe a letter to the editor?

Holly Stick said...

What works is if you move to Calgary. Look over there, it's another chinook arch!. :D

Unknown said...

I'm laughing with joy in a winter wonderland, aren't you?

Frank Frink said...

Laughing? Heavens, no! Why would anyone in Vancouver have laughed today?

A high of +8C, bright sunshine and walks along palm tree lined beaches. No, can't see anything there that might cause bring on laughter.

Guffaw, chuckle and chortle? Possibly. But, laugh? Perish the thought! ;-)

Southern Quebec said...

Call the Environment Canada complaint line.