Friday, December 05, 2008

Yeah, that's some irony there.

Curiously, the same Canadian conservatives who have been whinging on and on about the evils of sleazy backroom deals have been saved at the last minute by a sleazy backroom deal.

Does anyone else find that moderately amusing?


Richard said...

Live by the sword, die by the sword... Sucks to be your team!

CC said...

Hey, Dick, how's it going? Still maxing out your monthly net bandwidth on NAMBLA's "Hot 14-year-olds in YOUR TOWN!" page?

Ti-Guy said...

All the excitement must have made NAMBLA-Richard Evans's pants tight. He's out, looking for "libs" to poke.


MgS said...


Your idol PM has just shut down parliament for the third time in his tenure - all for the purposes of stifling debate.

So where are these much vaunted principles that he claims, or for that matter the courage to actually stand and be accountable for his actions?

Show him real opposition, and he folds like cheap tent - running to hide behind the throne's protections.

Harper proroguing parliament every time he encounters a problem is anti-democratic from the start - it silences every voice in the house.

Anonymous said...

CC - you mean the meeting he had with the GG where he gave advice and she accepted? Fuck, you must stomp you feet and piss your pants every time you 'see' something as unfair.

of course that is of intellectual level among moonbats, so bravo. now what color was that red firetruck?