Monday, December 08, 2008

Whoops, never saw that coming.

Gosh, it sounds like such a ducky idea:

Manning Centre Faith Political Interface Gets Rave Reviews

Manning Centre
Faith Political Interface

The Faith-Political Interface Program’s vision is to encourage and equip Canadians of faith to apply their faith based values in the political arena, in a manner consistent with democratic principles, so as to responsibly and measurably impact the political culture of Canada.

After all, what could possibly go wrong? Oh ...

P.S. I'm guessing none of the intellectual lights at the Manning Centre is familiar with Scripture, particularly Matthew 6:6:

But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

In other words, shut the fuck up, we're not interested in your religious beliefs. You could try not being sanctimonious assholes for a change. It's just a thought.


Ti-Guy said...

Ah, fuck 'em.

liberal supporter said...

Wow, thanks CC. I didn't know my own prayer methods are actually found in scripture. I've always found the PDD (public display of devotion) unseemly and too easily manipulated by demagoguery in ways that today would be called Palinesqe.

liberal supporter said...

I've always been very uneasy with this "Faith-Political Interface" stuff. It makes it way too easy for people to excuse their political actions as being ok because it somehow ties in with their faith.

For example, in the $1.95 affair, we had the Liberals give up corporate donations while allowing individual donations of $5K, which was then dropped to $1K in 2007.

But you can make charitable donations up to 75% of your net income! So I (or a corporation) can donate $50,000 to my church, then 50 people who would otherwise donate at least $1100 to the church can now donate that portion to a political party. They get a bigger deduction too than the charitable part.

As long as the money was not actually given to these people to donate to a party, only their church donation replaced, I don't think there is anything technically illegal. Tere is a rule about indirect donation, but nothing about haranguing people to donate to a political party instead of something else. With someone replacing that money, the church would be onside.

There is plenty of donor pressure in churches, and it would not be much of a stretch to see them whipping the congregations to donate to political parties that will try to pass laws that the church thinks everyone should be forced to follow.

Which party would be most likely to benefit from this sort of thing?

Anonymous said...

The Faith-Political Interface Program’s vision is to encourage and equip Canadians of faith to apply their faith based values in the political arena

Roughly Translated: Bash Gays and interfere in intimate medical issues between doctor and patient, ie abortion.

Gube said...

Correction, Waterboy.
Roughly translated, it's "Bash gays and interfere in intimate medical issues between doctor and patient and we'll pay you for it."

wv: gralcin (to be taken daily for treatment of a secular mind)

Anonymous said...

Ti-Guy, here is why just saying FU is like burying one's head in the sand.

A warning: “As conservatives in Canada move to entrench their grassroots organization through social conservative leadership training initiatives like those undertaken by the Manning Centre, Canadians should remain vigilant lest social conservatives already supported by a vast network of American organizations turn their influence into government power.” - Source

CC, I'm heartened to see you blogging about these Compradors. It's been rather lonely up till now. As I blogged a few days ago, Harper is just the tip of the iceberg. Alone, he's just a bully. The infrastructure supporting him is big and is getting bigger. I know!

Robert G. Harvie, Q.C. said...

..yes Gene, I've read your "Source".. and yes, the world is coming to an end if we allow parents to spank their children, do away with a useless and hopelessly bloated gun registry system.. and in general, if we can assure that no one of faith has any right to their own beliefs all will be good..

..the only thing more dangerous that a zealot from the right is a zealot from the left. There have been countries that banned religion outright, I'm sure the Soviet Union is your idea of utopia..

I'm a Christian. I'm against 'intelligent design' teaching, I'm in favor of choice on abortion, and I'm a strong advocate of separation of Church and state. I don't even advocate missionary work.. my faith is personal and I don't care if anyone else believes or not.. but because I happen to support conservatives, I'm a zealot?

..ask yourself this.. why is it that the Liberal party advocates a national daycare program that will pay for every child to go into daycare regardless of the income of their parents? And offers no compensation to parents who choose to provide their own "daycare"? Go read the Orwellian manifesto "It Takes a Village" and you'll get your answer.. parents aren't truly "qualified" to raise their children, understand? It takes a village (read "it takes the State") to PROPERLY raise a child..


Anarchore said...

Psa is a piece of shit, and a coward, dishonest garbage for deleting fact! He doesn't want you to read this.

What an idiot you are Psa! This is all fact! NOW YOU PISSED ME OFF!

Yes Zionists, dumbass!

You never heard the word?

Why don't you let your well-scraped knuckles off the floor, and use them to type in a search on AIPAC(wipe the drool off your keyboard first ;-) ).

Who was behind the Iraq war?

Who was behind 911?(and I'm not talking about who George Bush said was behind it, I'm talking who does the EVIDENCE point to?)

Who owns 90% of the media in Canada?

Why is there a group called, "Liberal Friends of Israel"?

Why did Harper start an "Israel allies caucus" in PARLIAMENT?(and why is there a news blackout on this)

Why did Harper sign 'security' deals with Israel?

Why is an Israeli Mossad-fronted company in charge of Montreal Metro 'security'-the same company in London Subways during the 7/7 attacks?

Now I'm sure you heard the word before, but like most castrated Canadian cowards you think it is not polite to mention the word... yeah let's tiptoe around that 800-lb gorilla... I see you're a lawyer so I shouldn't be surprized at intellectual dishonesty!

My apologies if you were sincerely ignorant, but I would say it is craven-ness why most established Canadians don't want to talk about the "power which must not be named".