Saturday, December 06, 2008


Oh my, it would appear that yet another mouthbreathing, anti-choice talking point has been thoroughly debunked by some bunch of smarty-pants, know-it-all doctors -- those bastards.

Via Bonnie Erbe, a team of researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore has shown that there is no scientific support to claims that “an abortion causes psychological distress, or a ‘post-abortion syndrome.’” The team reviewed 21 studies involving more than 150,000 women and found that there is “no significant differences in long-term mental health between women who choose to abort a pregnancy and others”:

The researchers reviewed all English-language, peer-reviewed publications between 1989 and 2008 that studied relationships between abortion and long-term mental health.

They analyzed those that included valid mental health measures and factored in pre-existing mental health status and potentially confusing factors.

“The best quality studies indicate no significant differences in long-term mental health between women in the United States who choose to terminate a pregnancy and those who do not,” they wrote.

Despite the lack of scientific support for the abortion-depression link, conservatives on the Supreme Court cited it when they ruled against late-term abortions, saying “it seems unexceptionable to conclude some women come to regret their choice to abort the infant life they once created and sustained.”

But never fear, kids -- it’s not like there’s any danger of SUZANNE and her bible-thumping, misogynistic compatriots letting a little something like actual facts get in the way.

And just in case some of our newer readers don’t believe me? Take a wander through Susie ALL-CAPS’ comment thread here for a perfect representation of the endless circle jerk masquerading as "facts" in her tiny little mind.

Fair warning -- serious drinking may be required in order to get teh stoopid out.


sooey said...

These people are dangerous. They lack reason and have no respect for the physical autonomy of others.

CC said...

So, Steven, if one wanted to actually investigate your three new "studies," one would go to, let's see,, and ... uh,, and, finally,

Thanks for playing, Steven. And don't forget your hockey helmet on the way out.

Marissa said...

Considering that I already am clinically depressed, one would think that I would be especially prone to mental health problems after having an abortion, no? Strange then that I only ever felt relief, appreciation for the nurses and doctors at the clinic, and ever more love for my boyfriend who had been so supportive.

I'm convinced that post-abortion depression and other problems have far more to do with social and environmental factors than with the procedure itself.

Unknown said...

Looks like Dr. Coleman in the first study has already been schooled about her lousy research methods and bias. Can't imagine the other two studies would fare any better.

Lindsay Stewart said...

a certain amount of stress and mental trauma could easily be attributed to the fact that women who seek therapeutic abortion services have to run a gauntlet of screaming lunatics all stoned on god. these cluster monkeys have made it their mission to traumatize those who face the difficult decision of termination of a pregnancy. hardly seems rational or reasonable to verbally and emotionally assault people and then point at them and say, see how fucked up they are. you're against abortion, fine. don't have one. otherwise, shit the fuck up and mind your own business.