Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Karma’s a bitch, Big Daddy.

Here’s hoping it takes a giant chunk out of your doughy, dimpled, cowardly, double-dealing, lying ass courtesy of Joe Clark.


liberal supporter said...

Now of course, the BTs are sniggering about the video quality of the coalition's rebuttal, claiming it obviously indicates they can't run a country if they can't put together a polished video on an afternoon's notice on a shoestring.

On the other hand, it would make Harper look like an auto executive going begging to Washington in a private jet.

The best part is that we are not actually in an election campaign, so all the special "heat of the campaign" legal protections are not there.

Has anyone been called a liar yet from outside the House?

Mike said...

Well, it was ridiculous that the Libs couldn't deliver their video rebuttal to the networks on time. That didn't look good. Production quality isn't so important, though.

philosoraptor said...

Well, the Joe Clark twist to the story just reinforces the fact that when history is made, it's usually REALLY made. I'm glad I got to witness this period in Canadian politics.

wv: diondard

Boris said...

I recall Dion saying something about being "sick of all the lies" in QP yesterday.

Oh Lulu, this drama is all Karma. Check out TGB.


Holly Stick said...

Ed Broadbent said this morning on CBC radio that Harper had lied about no Canadian flags in the coalition photo.

Ti-Guy said...

When the GG says "yes" to proroguing Parliament tomorrow, I hope a few triumphant Dippers have a response prepared.

Unknown said...

One thing is easy to predict for tomorrow: If the GG grants the prorogue, Liberals and NDPers will accept her decision. If she denies it, Cons will wail and cry and stomp at the 'treachery' of the treasonous, separatist-loving, democracy-hating, liberal-commie-moonbat-fascist, voodoo princess.

Rev.Paperboy said...

yeah, and she's french and um...swarthy too, Lenny, --don't think that won't get mentioned in the beer halls of Red Deer.