Sunday, December 07, 2008

Dear wankers: About that Parliamentary "timeout" ...

Apparently (according to Canada's right-wing whiny little shits), we over here on the Left side of the aisle desperately need a Parliamentary "timeout" to, you know, catch our breath, or let cooler heads prevail, or whatever condescending fuckwit expression they're using these days when they're being their typical self-absorbed, assholish selves. So here's a suggestion.

Given that we (allegedly) shrieking, leftard moonbats now have several weeks to cool our heels and reflect, it behooves me to suggest that Canada's wanks now have a similar several weeks to do the same; as in, several weeks to actually learn how the hell our system of government works so they can stop slinging around inflammatory and dishonest rhetoric such as "treason", "sedition", "undemocratic" and "coup d'etat."

After all, it seems at least a little patronizing and hypocritical for Canada's dumbshit demographic (also known as "Conservatives") to lecture us on the need to back off and calm down when they continue to sling around grossly inaccurate and incendiary accusations about sleazy backroom deals and overthrowing a legally-elected government and so on.

Perhaps, in those few weeks, Canada's Right might find the time to pick up a junior high school civics text and familiarize themselves with how Canada's system of government actually works so they don't sound so perpetually, mind-meltingly ignorant 24/7. And, perhaps, when they finally learn, they might take their own advice and let cooler heads prevail and quit with the provocative dishonesty.

How about it, wankers? Any chance of you idiots actually taking the time to, you know, educate yourselves? I realize it's wandering into unfamiliar territory but, hey, give it a shot. You might enjoy it.

For a change.

AS A SINGLE EXAMPLE, I grabbed a random associated blog post from the Blogging Harper Youth -- one Darryl Wolk, from a few days back. Let's see how viciously (and dishonestly) Mr. Wolk attacks the opposition: "coup d'etat", "lacks any kind of mandate", "no legitimacy", "assault on democracy", "would rather simply take power than earn it", "take power at any cost", "Canada will have no credibility preaching democracy to the Russians or Chinese if this coalition goes through with Dion installed leader despite not being elected", ...

Really, need I go on? If anyone needs a timeout, it would be Mr. Wolk and his ideological allies, who would do well to spend the next few weeks reading a book or two. And maybe backing away from being such insufferable, inflammatory (and depressingly ignorant) assholes.


thwap said...

No, this human garbage you speak of will talk stupid shit and lies until their dying days.

And they'll be too fucking stupid, too used to their own hypocrisies to even notice that their entire lives are testaments of fraud and failure.

Cameron Campbell said...

What really stuns me, and frankly upsets me, is when BTs who are genuinely smart go and mouth this bullshit.

The stupid ones I get, they are irredeemable.

Metro said...

The Liberal Party will be using this period to choose their new leader.

An example the Conservatives should unhesitatingly emulate.

Darryl said...

Your comments would be more credible if it wasn't for your language in the first part of the post. Having said that, the coalition is a done deal as Liberals have come to their senses. I offer my congratulations to Mr. Ignatieff and look forward to working with him to pass the budget. Must suck for coalition supporters though.