Wednesday, December 03, 2008

And why NOT Scott Brison?

Jennifer Smith makes a compelling case for Scott Brison as interim Liberal leader and, frankly, I like the idea since I don't much care for any of the current crop of yutzy twatwaffles currently jockeying for the position.

I say let Scott have a crack at it.


James Bow said...

Can we switch, now, though without weakening the coalition?

Robert G. Harvie, Q.C. said...

From the Globe:

"Frank McKenna, deputy chairman of Toronto-Dominion Bank, had been asked to be part of the advisory group and declined because of his commitments to the bank, the newspaper said today, citing unidentified people close to him. Former Deputy Prime Minister John Manley said he hasn’t agreed to become a member.

The party said earlier this week the two men would be part of a financial advisory group to a coalition with the Bloc Quebecois and the New Democratic Party as it tried to calm the business community. Former Prime Minister Paul Martin and former Saskatchewan Premier Roy Romanow were also listed as members, the Globe said.

Martin and Romanow couldn’t be reached, the Globe said. Romanow’s wife said her husband was surprised he was mentioned as a member of the advisory panel, the paper said.

Yes.. same old, same old.. "here's our dream team... what, they don't want to play?"

..out with the stupid, in with the stupid.. and the citizens sit and watch something like an old Marx brothers movie.. only this is real, and it matters, so not quite so funny.

Anonymous said...

The VP of Ipsos-Reid made a very astute observation this morning: that a political campaign has now been launched against the Constitution, with all this astroturf letter-writing and the phone-in campaigns -- as though public opinion can outweigh and disregard the law of the land.

It's certainly in the Cons' best interest that the majority of Canadians don't know our own laws or Constitution, or how parliament works. I'm beginning to feel there's no way out of this disaster.

We have have to rigorously start teaching Civics to the next generation, so they can actually make the country run. Once the neo-Cons started flooding parliament and the airwaves with the idea that anyone who disagrees with you is OMG Teh Enemy!!1!, and everyone bought it, it made true democracy impossible in this country. Which serves them very well.

We may have to hope that the next generation can run the country properly, once this generation of Screaming Enemies dies.

thwap said...


Too true man. That any person with a degree in journalism would agree to participate in the travesty of labelling the system as it is a "coup" beggars belief.

Misinformed rage should not trump sound legitimate politics.

Well-informed rage is another matter. But this is a "conservative" led, astro-turf campaign.


Robert G. Harvie, Q.C. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robert G. Harvie, Q.C. said...

actually, your comments are more than valid, Phyl.. we can hardly start to heal a stupid situation with a large dose of more stupid..

Parliamentary democracy entitles the formation of a coalition.. it's not "illegal" it's not "subversive".. ..if more Conservatives were just honest, they'd do a full mea culpa for the idiocy of Harper's original "plan", stop with the suggestions that "democracy" is being subverted, and put the honest facts before the people and let them deal with it, sooner or later..

(..and yes, no question, it doesn't get much stupider than, "They didn't even have a Canadian flag behind them.. oh, wait, yes they did, sorry, my bad"?)

Some days, it is so hard to hold to your own convictions when the party you support is so clearly continuing to play the dumbass card.

Anonymous said...

I've heard there are rumblings even among the Cons that this is Harper's fault and he should go. Do you sense any of that?

mikmik said...

What, problems with Rae?

Mommy is on 5th estate, being filmed as I speak.
Tried to get a mention for this fucking blog -- did a Steve Janke assasination this is confidentialright?
so put in a good word....

So, PR is not on the agenda today, except for mine, hahasorryItried.

Note to self- smaaall present for Marie on 25.

What TF is wrong with every single party? A few good people, nobody to pick them......

Unknown said...

"What TF is wrong with every single party? A few good people, nobody to pick them......"

mikmik speaks the truth.

The real world is:

"Perception is Reality."

"Journalism is dead."

"Resistance is futile!"

Robert G. Harvie, Q.C. said...

No, no sense of rumblings to boot Harper, he's still the "guy".. but don't be suprised if some "advisors" get the boot.. it's a really bad situation though, I mean, he almost has to admit he started the problem to legitimately seek public support, but, in todays' politics, when did any politician ever say, "Yes, I f*cked up?"

Anonymous said...

Certainly never Harper, ever. Heh.

Robert G. Harvie, Q.C. said...

..Harper.. or anyone else.. stupid bastards.. there are days I think we should do away with democracy in total and just conscript members of the general public to sit on Government.. no special interests, no bullshit to get power.. just a new conscription ever four years from all over Canada..

Anonymous said...

That could be a blast! Or, more likely, a disaster. Heh.

Or we could be like Switzerland (unless they've changed in recent years) and have a pile of plebiscites at local levels all year long.

mikmik said...

Where's that guy from sociology, I feel like releasing some tension. PATTY SOMETHING.

Haha, I love you man.

It is getting to the US point point in Canada here where every one that might become a leader is a seriously retarded (socially, I meant socially retarded haha) loser. So, most people say, "That sounds good enough for me!"


Did you know, and I sure didn't, that Bill Clinton was far to the right of Mssr. Mulrony in political and social views? So was Kerry, bless his little american heart.

So was Harper, bless his little American heart wait I mean..

The first bitch to be PMS that is right of an American President meaning the very right wing Obama.

The first.

Sheena said...

I say let Scott have a crack at it. Just don't say that in the shower after dropping the soap.

WV = angstry

Sheena said...


I should have waited. WV = commode.

I *shit* you not.

liberal supporter said...

Then if the CPC "draft Baird" movement gains any traction we'll have a rainbow coalition!
